2014 Annual Report - El Paso Police Department


Mission Valley Regional Command The Mission Valley Regional Command (MVRC) completed another successful year with various ini Ɵ a Ɵ ves focused on addressing crime trends in the area which produced an overall crime reduc Ɵ on of 8%. Our Criminal Inves Ɵ ga Ɵ ons Division (CID) worked incessantly to remove o ff enders from the streets by taking a proac Ɵ ve approach to comba Ɵ ng crime. These include the use of the Focus File, a database of repeat o ff enders, and an increase of informa Ɵ on sharing prac Ɵ ces. The MVRC was highly e ffi cient in addressing crime trends to include aggravated robberies, burglaries of habita Ɵ on, burglaries of vehicle, beer run the Ō s, and aggravated assaults.

Pebble Hills Regional Command

The Pebble Hills Regional Command (PHRC) was established in March 1994 and provides service to East El Paso, an area that experiences con Ɵ nual residen Ɵ al and business growth. The region is sta ff ed with 191 sworn personnel and 8 civilians who are devoted to providing quality service to the El Paso community. Due to the large number of business in the PHRC area, o ffi cers took the ini Ɵ a Ɵ ve doing proac Ɵ ve business patrol resul Ɵ ng in over 13,000 addi Ɵ onal business checks. This, along with the aggressive e ff orts of our two tac Ɵ cal units (TAC), helped reduce burglaries of businesses by 7% as well as increase of on ‐ view beer the Ō arrests by 40%. The con Ɵ nued vigilance of our o ffi cers has enabled our region to drive down crime despite yearly increases in our popula Ɵ on. In an addi Ɵ on, PHRC burglary of vehicle o ff enses decreased 17% compared to 2013.

EPPD Adopts a New Patrol Car Design

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