2014 Annual Report - El Paso Police Department


Northeast Regional Command The Northeast Regional Command (NERC) is located in the northern por Ɵ on of the City of El Paso. This Region covers a geographic area of approximately 66 square miles and is sta ff ed by 130 o ffi cers and fi ve civilians. Signi fi cant accomplishments include a 6% reduc Ɵ on in overall crime, inves Ɵ ga Ɵ on of 505 community concerns, and, as the Neighborhood Watch lead for the Department, established 126 new Neighborhood Watch Associa Ɵ ons city ‐ wide resul Ɵ ng in a 21% increase. NERC Special Opera Ɵ ons o ffi cers (Special Ops) conducted 170 community presenta Ɵ ons covering crime preven Ɵ on and tra ffi c safety topics. Addi Ɵ onally, the o ffi cers coordinated with City Representa Ɵ ves, Border Patrol Rewarding Educa Ɵ on A ƫ tude and Leadership (REAL) Program, and the Juvenile Proba Ɵ on Department (JPD) to conduct four community clean ‐ ups. During the Christmas season, Special Ops o ffi cers presented 80 gi Ō s to needy students at area elementary schools. The gi Ō s were donated by NERC o ffi cers and civilians along with VFW Post 812. Westside Regional Command The West Side Regional Command Center (WSRC) borders the New Mexico state line, the Franklin Mountains, the country of Mexico, and con Ɵ nues to the city’s northern limits. The dedicated WSRC personnel are commi Ʃ ed to providing professional service to all members of the community. Each patrol shi Ō addressed a speci fi c crime trend occurring during their opera Ɵ onal hours. Such ini Ɵ a Ɵ ves included a day Ɵ me burglary opera Ɵ on, a the Ō opera Ɵ on at Sunland Park Mall, a DWI enforcement opera Ɵ on, a beer the Ō opera Ɵ on, and a vehicle burglary opera Ɵ on. O ffi cers assigned as Police Area Representa Ɵ ves (PAR) conducted opera Ɵ ons with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC), City of El Paso Code Enforcement, and the City of El Paso Department of Public Health to address several bar ‐ related complaints throughout the Westside. In addi Ɵ on, PAR o ffi cers conducted several presenta Ɵ ons to include Career Days and An Ɵ‐ Bullying presenta Ɵ ons at schools. The WSRC Police Explorers par Ɵ cipated in an Explorer compe ƟƟ on in November, taking fi rst place in four categories.

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