Internal A ff airs
Internal A ff airs Division The mission of the Internal A ff airs Program is to accept, register and inves Ɵ gate complaints of alleged misconduct by an employee of the Department in an objec Ɵ ve and impar Ɵ al manner to ensure jus Ɵ ce and fairness towards Department employees and the ci Ɵ zens of El Paso. The purpose of Internal A ff airs is to ensure professional conduct by all Department employees and to maintain a high level of overall integrity for the Department. With this in mind, the Discipline Review Board, comprised of four departmental supervisors and three civilian community members, regularly meets to review cases that Internal A ff airs has inves Ɵ gated. The Board recommends discipline to the chief. In 2013, a new so Ō ware applica Ɵ on called Blue Team was implemented as a pilot program at the Mission Valley Regional Command. Due to its success it was deployed department wide in 2014. Blue Team allows supervisors to enter and manage administra Ɵ ve incident documenta Ɵ on. Incidents such as use of force, ci Ɵ zen complaints, vehicle accidents, and pursuits are entered and can be routed through the chain of command with review and approval at each step. Blue Team works in conjunc Ɵ on with IAPro, a program that is designed to iden Ɵ fy pa Ʃ erns of concern early on so that proac Ɵ ve ac Ɵ on can be taken. In 2014, Internal A ff airs ini Ɵ ated the inves Ɵ ga Ɵ on of 2,092 cases with completed cases resul Ɵ ng in the following disposi Ɵ ons: Disposi Ɵ on of Complaint External (Ci Ɵ zen) Internal (Departmental) Unfounded 468 117 Not Sustained 607 136 Exonerated 170 64 Sustained 51 479
Above: El Paso’s Star on the Mountain shines brightly with blue lights in honor of Peace O ffi cers Memorial Week. The Police Academy in the lower right of the picture was lit this same night for training. Right: Sgt. Ken Law addressing City Council in regards to the Mayor’s Proclama Ɵ on for El Paso Police O ffi cers Memorial Day, May 15, 2014.
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