Driving While Intoxicated Enforcement Four o ffi cers of the Driving While Intoxicated Task Force (DWITF) were recognized by Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) for their hard work and contribu Ɵ ons towards tra ffi c safety: O ffi cer Miguel Carzoli received the DWI Law Enforcement Award as he made 165 DWI arrests and assisted with presenta Ɵ ons for the MADD Impact Panel.
O ffi cer Arturo Sinclair received the DWI Educa Ɵ on Award as he made 144 DWI arrests and took an ac Ɵ ve role to educate various community organiza Ɵ ons on DWI awareness. O ffi cer Andres Rodriguez received the Commitment to Youth Educa Ɵ on Award as he con Ɵ nued to be at the forefront in bringing awareness about the issue of drinking and driving to community. Sgt. Jaime Esparza, DWITF supervisor, received the Diamond Leadership Award for team’s excellent performance in arres Ɵ ng 896 suspected drunk drivers in 2014. DWITF
Special Tra ffi c Inves Ɵ ga Ɵ ons The Special Tra ffi c Inves Ɵ ga Ɵ ons Unit (STI) inves Ɵ gates complex and high ‐ pro fi le serious injury and fatality crashes. This unit has highly trained o ffi cers who have earned a stellar reputa Ɵ on as expert inves Ɵ gators. In 2014, STI responded to 86 callouts and inves Ɵ gated 65 fatali Ɵ es. The unit purchased a robo Ɵ c total sta Ɵ on which allows the inves Ɵ gator the ability to diagram a scene in less Ɵ me and with only one person. This technology has reduced road closure Ɵ me by 50% and the number of responding personnel by 33%.
Out For Blood The El Paso County District A Ʃ orney’s O ffi ce and the EPPD, along with other area law enforcement agencies, ini Ɵ ated an educa Ɵ onal campaign about the “No Refusal Program” related to Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) cases. The No Refusal Program consists of o ff ering a DWI suspect a breath or blood test. If the suspect refuses, law enforcement will obtain evidence of intoxica Ɵ on by obtaining a search warrant for a blood sample. There were 774 DWI blood kits drawn during the year.
"Out for Blood, El Paso, TX." Out for Blood, El Paso, TX . N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Aug. 2015.
District A Ʃ orney Jaime Esparza discusses “Out for Blood” with Chief Gregory Allen
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