2014 Annual Report - El Paso Police Department


Driving While Intoxicated Enforcement Four o ffi cers of the Driving While Intoxicated Task Force (DWITF) were recognized by Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) for their hard work and contribu Ɵ ons towards tra ffi c safety:  O ffi cer Miguel Carzoli received the DWI Law Enforcement Award as he made 165 DWI arrests and assisted with presenta Ɵ ons for the MADD Impact Panel.

 O ffi cer Arturo Sinclair received the DWI Educa Ɵ on Award as he made 144 DWI arrests and took an ac Ɵ ve role to educate various community organiza Ɵ ons on DWI awareness.  O ffi cer Andres Rodriguez received the Commitment to Youth Educa Ɵ on Award as he con Ɵ nued to be at the forefront in bringing awareness about the issue of drinking and driving to community.  Sgt. Jaime Esparza, DWITF supervisor, received the Diamond Leadership Award for team’s excellent performance in arres Ɵ ng 896 suspected drunk drivers in 2014. DWITF

Special Tra ffi c Inves Ɵ ga Ɵ ons The Special Tra ffi c Inves Ɵ ga Ɵ ons Unit (STI) inves Ɵ gates complex and high ‐ pro fi le serious injury and fatality crashes. This unit has highly trained o ffi cers who have earned a stellar reputa Ɵ on as expert inves Ɵ gators. In 2014, STI responded to 86 callouts and inves Ɵ gated 65 fatali Ɵ es. The unit purchased a robo Ɵ c total sta Ɵ on which allows the inves Ɵ gator the ability to diagram a scene in less Ɵ me and with only one person. This technology has reduced road closure Ɵ me by 50% and the number of responding personnel by 33%.

Out For Blood The El Paso County District A Ʃ orney’s O ffi ce and the EPPD, along with other area law enforcement agencies, ini Ɵ ated an educa Ɵ onal campaign about the “No Refusal Program” related to Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) cases. The No Refusal Program consists of o ff ering a DWI suspect a breath or blood test. If the suspect refuses, law enforcement will obtain evidence of intoxica Ɵ on by obtaining a search warrant for a blood sample. There were 774 DWI blood kits drawn during the year.

"Out for Blood, El Paso, TX." Out for Blood, El Paso, TX . N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Aug. 2015.

District A Ʃ orney Jaime Esparza discusses “Out for Blood” with Chief Gregory Allen

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