Smart Kids Reader Progression

For more information visit:

Level 1 split Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

ai ee oa ur ea ow oo igh oo or oi ar air ear

split vowels

two or

four or five alternative spellings of level 1 sounds

more alternative spellings of level 1 sounds & latin suffixes


a-e e-e i-e o-e u-e

three more alternative spellings of level 1 sounds

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 Unit 13 Unit 14 Unit 15 Unit 16 Unit 17 Unit 18 Unit 19 Unit 20

Dandelion Series

s a t i m n o p b c g h d e f v k l r u j w z x y ff ss cvcc ccvc ccvcc ch sh th ck

ng qu ve wh -ed -ing le

Launchers Units 1-3 (DL10) Launchers Units 4-7 (DL11) Launchers Units 8-10 (DL9) Launchers Units 11-15 (DL12) Launchers Units 16-20 (DL5) World Units 1-7 (DW1) World Units 8-15 (DW2) World Units 16-20 (DW5)

Readers Units 1-10 (DR1 Set 1, DR2 Set 2, DR3 Set 3) Readers Units 11-20 (DR5 Set 1, DR4 Set 2) Readers Extended Code Level 1 (DR13) Readers Extended Code Level 2 (DR14) Readers Extended Code Level 3 (DR15) Readers Extended Code Level 4 (DR16) Split Vowel (DR9) Catch-up Readers

Dragon Eggs (DE1) Moon Dogs 1 (MD1) Moon Dogs 2 (MD2) Moon Dogs 3 (MD3) Moon Dogs Vowel Sounds (MD4) Moon Dogs Extras (MDX1) That Dog (TD1) Magic Belt (MB1) Mel on Mars (MM1) Get out of the Game (GG1) Alba (AL1) Totem (TD1) Pet Sitters (PS1)




The Resolvers (RV1) Rescue Series (RE1) Talisman 1 (TL1)


Island Adventure (IS1) Titan’s Gauntlets (GL1) Hidden in Paris (HD1) Talisman 2 (TL3) Amber Guardians (AG1)

Book 1: 'ue': u, ue, u-e; Book 2 'u': u, o, uo Book 3 's': s, ss, se, c, ce ; Book 4 'l': l, ll, le, al; Book 5 'j': j, g, ge; Book 6 'f': f, ff, ph; Book : ture; Book 8 - tion; Book 9 - tial, cial; Book 10 - sion Book 1: 'ue': u, ue, u-e; Book 2 'u': u, o, uo Book 3 's': s, ss, se, c, ce ; Book 4 'l': l, ll, le, al; Book 5 'j': j, g, ge; Book 6 'f': f, ff, ph; Book : ture; Book 8 - tion; Book 9 - tial, cial; Book 10 - sion -ful, -less, -ness, -er, -est, -ly, -en, -ish, -y, -able; un-, in- ,im-, ir-, il-, dis-, mis-; re-, pre-; uni-, tri-, quad-,super-, magna-, mini-, micro-, cap, man, spec, viv, mem, ject, tract, struct, labor , fact, form 1 'ue' - u-e, ue, ew, u; 2 'u' 'o' - ou, o, u, a, o, ou; 3 's' - s, ss, c, ce, se, sc, st; 4 'l' - l, ll, il, al, ol, el; 5 'j' - j, g, ge, dge; 6 'f' - f, ff, gh, ph; 7 'cher' - ture; 8 'shun' - tion, ssion, tian, sion, cian; 9 'shul', 'shus': cial, tial, tious, cious, ious; 10 'zhun' - sion


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