Persona Spring 2018

Happy Healthy You

This year, you may have made a variety of New Year’s resolutions to improve your mind, your finances, or your health. Here are ten tips to keep on track for a happy and healthy lifestyle.

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W ellness is about making smart choices. In our fast-paced world, there can be a tendency to eat while distracted and subsequently, miss out on culinary pleasure. Many of us will benefit from eating mindfully – more slowly, and once a week adding more vitamin-packed superfoods in our diet. Eating more superfoods and healthier snacks will not only keep us healthier and 1. Eat Well. Eat Mindfully.

more energetic, but help to also combat stress.

Get the New Year off to a healthier start with HomeGoods ® ! With an ever-changing selection of health-conscious snacks, supplements, powders, and pantry items at perfect prices, it's easy for you and your family to make better choices. Head to HomeGoods for healthy savings on wellness items. 800-614-HOME or

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