The Queen's Awards Magazine 2017

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Company Description in the ‘List of Winners’ preceeding the section, for checking: Claims Consortium Group Provides property insurance claims handling services to insurers, brokers and other property service organisations across the UK


Claims Consortium Group

Our Taunton oce.

CLAIMS CONSORTIUM GROUP is a UK leading insurance claims handling rm based in Somerset. A customer-focused culture is at the heart of the company. This drives a spirit of service and innovation that is lived and breathed by every one of its 300+ workforce. Recent accreditations such as Investors in People Gold and the Institute of Customer Service ServiceMark have underlined the company’s strides towards delivering exemplary service. Achievement of the Queen’s Award for Enterprise is seen as the pinnacle of the company’s achievements. Founded in 1996, Claims Consortium Group provides specialist property claims handling for many of the UK’s major insurers and brokers. Innovating to improve customer service “No one wants to make an insurance claim,” explains Commercial Director Alec Tarrant, “so when they do, they want it to be resolved quickly and without hassle. The vision of an eortless customer experience is what drives our need to innovate.” In 2011 Claims Consortium was the rst company to launch an online claims handling tool accessible by all parties involved in a claim. TrackMyClaim® was developed for the customer to give them a 24-hour window on their claim, and to provide a central store of documents, photos and other information relating to it. It was a huge success. The average duration of a claim was reduced, and customer satisfaction increased.

This was just the rst phase of the technology, and Claims Consortium was building a wider system behind the scenes called Synergy®. Launched in 2015, it acts as a claim’s control centre for the claims handler, contractors and insurer so that they all participate in the claim to make the customer’s experience even better. It’s another industry rst, and has been adopted by several leading UK insurers. Leading the way in technology

Our Executive Board Directors.

encouraging them to be innovative, the needs of the modern customer can be fullled. He said: “The modern customer requires instant, relevant data, available 24/7. “We have to support our sta by rstly providing the tools that will enable them to meet those needs, and secondly creating a culture that allows them to use it eciently. “We are leading the way in digital claims for the insurance sector. Through innovation we have been able to put these systems in place, and empower our claims handlers to really help the customer. This is key to creating an agile and dynamic business that can best meet the needs of the modern customer.” CLAIMS CONSORTIUM GROUP BlackdownHouse, Culmhead Business Centre, Taunton, Somerset, TA3 7DY • Tel: +44 (0)330 124 2240 Z @ClaimsCGroup F Claims ConsortiumGroup

There is a public perception of the insurance sector being behind the curve when it comes to technology. However the Queen’s Award for Enterprise: Innovation, and the success of Synergy® in the marketplace, demonstrates that the company is innovating at the highest level. Jeremy Hyams, CEO, believes that such success is as much down to the investment in people and processes as the technology itself. “IT alone isn’t enough, and we innovate throughout our organisation. Innovation to Claims Consortium is part of our culture. “This award is the pinnacle of our investment, and every member of sta should be incredibly proud of their contribution. To be awarded with a Queen’s Award for Enterprise is a great honour.” A culture of innovation Managing Director Matt Brady says that by providing sta with the right technology and

Queen’s Awards Magazine 2017


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