King's Business - 1960-03

O V E R 1 0 0 0 S O L O in less than 10 months B IOLA ’s Own La M irad a Edition o f the SCOFIELD REFERENCE BIBLE in India Paper and with a Complete Concordance


on B o o k s b y H r. L ou is T . T a lb o t

For a limited time only we are offering three of Dr. Talbot's books at a special BAR­ GAIN price as follows:— Offer #1 BIBLE QUESTIONS EXPLAINED Regular Cloth Binding ...................................$3.00 and WHY FOUR GOSPELS Paper Binding ....................................................$1.00 Total Value .........................................$4.00 Special offerprice, only ......................$2.50 You save ....................................................... $1.50 Offer # 2 ADDRESSES ON ROMANS Paper Binding .................................................... $1.75 and WHY FOUR GOSPELS Paper Binding .................................................... $1.00 Total Value .................................................... $2.75 Sepcial offer price, only ................... $1.50 You save .......................................................$1.25 • • • • • • O th er P o p u la r W r itin g s b y Itr .T a lb o t B O O K S An Exposition of the Book of REVELATION, Cloth Binding ...... $2.50 CHRIST IN THE TABERNACLE, Cloth $3.00 The Prophecies of DANIEL, Cloth ..........$3.00 EPHESIANS— An Exposition, Cloth ..........$2.00 GOD'S PLAN OF THE AGES, Cloth Binding $2.50 B O O K L E T S WHAT'S WRONG WITH MORMONISM? $ .50 WHAT WRONG WITH JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES? .......................................... $ .50 WHAT'S WRONG WITH CHRISTIAN SCIENCE? ....................................................$ .50 WHAT'S WRONG WITH SEVENTH- DAY ADVENTISM? ........................ $ .50 WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE ANGLO-ISRAELISM? ................................$ .50 WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE UNITY SCHOOL OF CHRISTIANITY? ...............$ .50

— Size 5 V 2 x 8 V 2 inches, only % inch thick— 17 For God sent not his Son into the °world to ^condemn the world; but that the world through him might be ¿saved. 18 ^He that believeth on him is a kosm os (Mt.4.8) = mankind« b Or, ju d ¿ e, The above illustration gives the exact size o f type used in the LA MIRADA Edition o f the SCOFIELD REFERENCE BIBLE

Save $3.50 Regular $15.50 Value ONLY $12.00 Postpa id— Taxpa id Anywhere in the U.S.A. The most beautiful

Concordance —Regular Oxford Bible Con­ cordance. India Paper—Printed on highest grade Oxford India Paper only % inch thick—-weighs only 1 lb., 10 oz. Brevier Type — S im ulated L eather with C loth L in in g —-will wear better and last longer than most of the cheaper leather bindings. Red under Gold edges —as in all deluxe bindings.

SCOFIELD REFERENCE BIBLE you can buy at such a low cost.


O r d e r B l a n k

I B I O L A B o o k B o om | 560 South Hope Street 1Los Angeles 17, Calif.

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C o v e r ■ Enclosed please find $.................................. for .................................... I copies of BIOLA’s own LA MIRADA Edition of the SCOFIELD I REFERENCE BIBLE to be sent to: I I Name ................. ............................................ ...................................................... j Address ...... ......................................................... 1 ............................................... I I — Cash, Check or Money Order must accompany your order — MARCH, 1960

BIOLA BOOK ROOM 560 South Hope Street Los Angeles 17, Calif.

For a limited time only we will give every purchaser of the LA MIRADA Edition of the Scofield Bible absolutely FREE of charge, a PLASTIC COVER to protect your Bible from dust and moisture.

CASH , CHECK o r MONEY tn tin .lt must a eeom pan y y ou r o rd e r .


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