King's Business - 1960-03

Personal Evangelism by Benjamin Weiss Co-Director National Educators7 Fellowship

S HE WAS a high school student from a small town in northern Cali­ fornia. While attending a class in Personal Evangelism at a youth con­ ference, she expressed a burning de­ sire to become a soul winner. She said to the instructor, “ Give me some Bible verses and helps on soul winning so that I can win some of my friends to Christ.” Weeks later she wrote to the in­ structor, “ I have won my first one to Christ. It was at a youth party. During the evening, I saw a girl who was not taking part in the fun. She was sitting by herself and seemed to be troubled about something. I went to her and said, ‘Would you like to go for a walk with me?’ ‘Yes,’ she said, ‘I am not enjoying this.’ ‘As we walked along, she told me about her personal problems and troubles. This gave me an opportunity to tell her how Christ helps me and gives me something; which makes me happy and satisfied. “When we got back to the party she said, ‘I can’t enjoy any of this tonight.’ I asked her to go with me so that we could talk over her prob­ lems. Alone with her, I introduced her to the One who could solve her problems and change her life. That very evening at the party she brought her first person to Christ.” Adults also have social gatherings and parties. What an opportunity, during a balcony conversation, to wit­ ness to a troubled and disillusioned person. The well of living water can spring up anywhere. Everywhere there are thirsty people whose great­ est desire is to have their thirst for living water satisfied and quenched. Use these opportunities. Pray that He who loves us so passionately will love others to Himself through us. Love is always the great incentive to sacrifice and to service. We may not be very expert in counseling techniques nor too articulate in talk­ ing about the Christian way of life. We may not even be too familiar with many Bible verses on the subject. But one thing is certain, if we love Him, “who loved us even unto death,” we shall be alert to use opportunities to tell others about Him and to invite them to receive Him as Saviour and I Friend.

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ten lessons, specially graded for five age groups, Nursery through Teen­ age. Includes teachers’ manuals, pupils’ workbooks, director’ smanual, for complete, well-balanced, inspira­ tional study. Low cost to fit your budget. Complete creative activity materials are available.

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