King's Business - 1960-03

Book Reviews

THINGS TO COME By J. Dwight Pentecost, Th.D.

Another new devotional book— by a popular author

This study in Biblical Eschatology is a long awaited book of tre­ mendous importance. Perhaps it is the greatest book in its field written in our time. In this excep­ tional volume the author seeks to an­ alyze, harmonize and systemize the Scrip­ tures of prophecy in­ to an organized and unified doctrine as few, if any, writers

by Arnold D. Ehlert, Th.D. Librarian and Professor of Library Science, Biola Religions in a Changing World Edited by Howard F. Vos Here is a most helpful book on the current major religions of the world and on some minor ones as well. Animism, Zoroastrianism, Jain­ ism, Sikhism are among the latter. Each group is discussed by an expert in the field, but one who is at the same time a thorough going evangeli­ cal. Jacob Jocz, one of Britain’s most outstanding Hebrew Christians writes on Judaism. Such clear statements as, “ Salvation from sin in the Christian sense is entirely foreign to the syna­ gogue,” and “The Jewish concept of sin makes a Saviour as the Christian understands it utterly unnecessary,” will help the Christian to understand the Jew more clearly. Attention is paid in each case to present conditions and emphases in each religion in the light of the struggling nationalisms and world wide communication. Bibli­ ographies for each chapter and an index make the book of additional use and value. Dr. Vos is on the staff of Moody Bible Institute. 441 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago; $5:50. An Exposition We looked at this volume with suspicion thinking that it might be a reprint or reworking of some of Dr. Morgan’s other books, but it is a printing in a small British magazine, The Christian. Since this is a double­ column book there is a great deal of material in its pages. It is not de­ tailed exposition, but rather synoptic I summary of each chapter. Dr. Mor­ gan knew the Bible well and knew its spiritual values. There is a certain timeliness and timelessness about his observations. 542 pages; cloth; Flem­ ing H. Revell Co., Westwood, N.J.; $6.95. Soldiers o f the Word The Story o f the American Bible Society By John M. Gibson The 1959 annual report of the American Bible Society is its 143rd. The work is so well known in general that hardly anyone gives a second thought to it. The details of how it, I like The Salvation Army, became so o f the W hole Bible By G. Campbell Morgan

have ever bef6re attempted. In the introduction by the President of Dallas Theological Seminary, Dr. Walvoord says, "The work as a whole merits classifi­ cation as a standard and comprehensive text in Biblical Eschatology/7 Dr. Ralph L. Keiper says/7 . . . a veritable encyclo­ pedia on Bible prophecy . . . Pentecost has given us not only a handbook of prophecy but the cream of the best books on the subject." 633 large pages .............. $7.95 Order from your bookseller or Dunham Publishing Company Findlay, Ohio

MYCUPRUNNETHOVER b y R . L . Middleton

This volume brings into focus many of the reasons why cups should be over­ flowing with gratitude to God for his benefits. Twenty-two brief devotionals, each with a different theme, are closely related to everyday life. Each topic is abundantly illustrated with poems, Bible verses, excerpts from literature, and per­ sonal testimonies. Thus great truths are illuminated to show their relation to life. $2.50

New Filmstrip for FREE Use VBS 1960 Please send me information on the Christ- centered, colorful Gospel Light 1960 VBS course, “ Pioneering with Christ,” plus: □ New filmstrip, “It’s Later Than It’s Ever Been Before,” for free use in our church, with sound on □ 33'/is record or □ tape. Date needed: ___________ o r ______________ □ Sample Kit of books only: director’s guide, plus teachers’ and pupils’ books. $2.95. (Returnable.) Included free: record of VBS tips by Ethel Barrett. □ Sample Kit of books plus new Bible K it K raft packaged craft. $4.95.(Return­ able.) Also includes Ethel Barrett record. Name----- ------------------------------------------------- Address__________________________________ City, State_____________________________ Church________________________________ Send this to your VBS supplier or Dept. V Gospel[ijd t publications ............ Glendale 5, California • Mound, Minnesota

also by R. L. Middleton


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CAN YOU ANSWER Jehovah's Witnesses?

Y O U C A N ! Use the new b o ok l e t , “ Another Gospel” writ­ ten by the author of the book “Thirty Years A Watchtower Slave.” 15 for $1 — 100 for $5 The book — $2.95 LIFE MESSENGERS Box 1967-K Seattle 11, Wash.

TV. J. Schnell The Author



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