King's Business - 1960-03

completely accepted as part of Ameri­ can life are most interesting and thrilling. There is no way of telling how much the nation owes to its con­ tinued campaign of Scripture distri­ bution. The Bible was not far behind the westward bound pioneers. Samuel John Mills headed west in 1812. Scrip­ tures were distributed in every war that America fought since the Society was founded. The foreign work has been extensive. South America espe­ cially probably owes much of its pres­ ent evangelical faith to Scriptures from the Society. The book has a bibliography and an index. 304 pages; cloth; Philosophical Library, New York; $3.75. BO O K ENDS A Brief Review of Current Publications THE EPISTLES TO TIMOTHY, A STUDY MAN­ UAL by Russell Bradley Jones. 81 pages; poper; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.50. One of the Shield Bible Study Series. Full of concentrated material. LIVING PEACEFULLY, A DEVOTIONAL STUDY OF THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PETER by J. Allen Blair. 255 pages; cloth; Loizeaux Bros., New York; $3.00. An important epistle becomes here a force for the believer's spiritual growth and strengthening. THE HEAVENS DECLARE by Maurice T. Brack- bill. 128 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago; $2.75. For all those who love the heavenly bodies this book will bring hours of instruction and spiritual enrichment. SERMONS ON SIMON PETER by Clovis G. Chappell. 128 pages; cloth; Abingdon Press, Noshville, Tenn.; $2.00. One of the great preachers of Methodism (now retired) and one of the most acceptable to evangelicals. THE WORD OF THE CROSS by Peter H. Elders- veld. 97 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grond Rapids; $2.00. Radio preacher on the Back-to-God-Hour. A STUDENT PLUS by Angelyn G. Dontuma.- 96 poges; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago; $2.00. Challenge to the Christian college student to do more than average work. THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF CHRIST by J. Glenn Gould. 110 pages; cloth; Beocon Hill Press, Konsas City,, Mo.; $1.50. A scholarly, yet deeply spiritual study of the atonement. The author is Professor of Religion at Eastern Noza- rene College, Wollaston, Mass. THE GRANDEUR OF GOLGOTHA by Neil M. Fraser. 128 pages; cloth; Loizeaux Bros., New York; $2.00. "If Christ in the weakness of the Cross cared for His own, what will not He do to-day in the plenitude of His power and re­ sources on the throne?" (p. 47). This is a sample of the deeply penetroting spiritual na­ ture of this book. SERMONS ON THE PRODIGAL SON by Thomas A. Whiting. 111 pages; cloth; Abingdon Press, Noshville, Tenn.; $2.00. Twelve messages on the great porable by the pastor of First Meth­ odist Church in Voldosta, Ga. IDEALS IN MEDICINE, A CHRISTIAN AP­ PROACH TO MEDICAL PRACTICE edited bv Vincent Edmunds and C. Gordon Scorer. 192 page; cloth; Christian Medicol Society, Chicago; $3.00. Christian physicians of Great Britain dis­ cuss the various questions of moral and spirit­ ual concern to the doctor. Ethicol proctice, and even foith healing are included. POWER THROUGH PRAYER; GUIDELINES FOR DEVELOPING AN EFFECTIVE PRAYER LIFE by Ronod W. Goetsch. 145 pages; cloth; Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis; $2.00. God's ordin­ ance of prayer, difficulties in the , way of it, and the practice of prayer take up tne three sections of this book by a Missouri Lutheran pastor. THE RISE AND DEVELOPMENT OF CALVIN­ ISM, A CONCISE HISTORY by John H. Bratt. 134 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids; $2.75. A brief introduction for the layman to the heritage shared by those churches of the Reformed tradition, which is most of them. The author is Professor of Bible at Calvin College. Recommended books on sale from the BIOLA BOOK ROOM, 560 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. Fast mail order service available.

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