King's Business - 1960-03


Chicago vacation this summer!

. . . combining relaxation with hours of rich, inspiring BIBLE S T U D Y

NINETY AND NINE Words by Elizabeth Clephane Music by Ira D. Sankey

In 1874 Miss Clephane’s poem was discovered by Ira D. Sankey, and set to music, although the author had passed away five years previously! Her sister was present in the Moody revival service in Edinburgh when the composer first introduced the new song. She was a very quiet little child, shrinking from notice, and always ab­ sorbed in books. The loss of both par­ ents, at an early age, taught her sor­ row. Her love for poetry was a pas­ sion. Among the sick and suffering she won the name of Sunbeam. She wrote the poem “ Ninety And Nine” for a friend in 1868, who had it published in The Children’s Hour. It was copied from thence into various publications, but was comparatively little noticed. Sankey wrote, “We were about to take the train for Edinburgh. . . . I bought a weekly newspaper, for a penny. . . . We sought the seclusion and rest which a first-class railway carriage in Great Britain affords. . . . I began perusing my lately-purchased newspaper. . . . My eyes fell upon a little piece of poetry in a corner of the paper. I carefully read it over, and at once made up my mind that this would make a great hymn for evangelistic work,—if it had a tune. “At the noon meeting, on the sec­ ond day . . . the subject was ‘The Good Shepherd’ . . . Mr. Moody turned to me with the question, ‘Have you a solo appropriate for this sub­ ject, with which to close the service?’ . . . At this moment I seemed to hear a voice.saying, ‘Sing the hymn you found on the train.’ . . . Placing the little newspaper slip on the organ in front of me, I lifted my heart in prayer. . . . Laying my hands upon the organ I struck the key of A-flat I and began to sing. Note by note the tune was given, which has not changed from that day to this. As the singing ceased a great sigh seemed to go up from the meeting, and I knew that the song had reached the hearts of my Scotch audience . . .” (It was the first tune Sankey had ever com­ posed.)

SUMMER S CHOO L TWO THREE-WEEK SESSIONS! June 20 to July 8 • July 11 to 29 YOUTS to e n jo y . . . an interesting and surprisingly inex­ pensive vacation . . . plus three or six weeks of practical, concentrated study of the Bible and related subjects, including Sacred Music, Christian Education and Missions. Courses of study have been planned and designed especially for students, teachers, office workers, pastors, missionaries and busy Christians from all walks of life . . . providing the same study opportunities as Moody Day School, but in a shorter period. Participation in Christian work assignments is optional, but students are encouraged to take full advantage of the same practical work opportunities that have made Moody train­ ing famous. Then, too, you’ll have fellowship with Christians from almost all Protestant denominations. TUITION IS FREE! Room and board as low as $20 a week. Your only other expense is the student benefit fee of $3.50 per session (this covers health service and post office) and what­ ever you pay for music lessons. Yes, you can live in Chicago and attend MBI Summer School for only $20 a week—even in 1960! A wonderful oppor­ tunity—don’t pass it up!

• • . right in the heart of metropolitan Chicago near Lake Michigan . . . only eight blocks from Chicago's famous loop . . . close to many of the city's cultural centers. And in your spare time, there will be opportunities for sight-seeing tours and browsing around at points of interest.

M O R E T HAN 4 0 A C C R E D I T E D S U B J E C T S ! Faculty includes outstanding Bible teachers, Christian edu­ cators and gospel musicians, with more than 40 accredited subjects being offered. This year’s sessions will include studies in a wide range of Bible subjects and feature workshops in Christian Education, Missionary Literature, Church Music, Audio-Visuals, and a seminar for Deans of Women.


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Moody Bible Institute Dr. William Culbertson, president . Dr. S. Maxwell Coder, dean 820 N. LaSalle Street, Chicago 10, Illinois

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