King's Business - 1960-03

SCIENCE & THE BIBLE by Bolton Davidheiser, Ph.D., Chairman of the Science Division, Biola College

pine, Pinus aristata, found in the Inyo National Forest of California. Although we have no record of the lifespan of animals in antediluvian times, it is clear that man attained a much greater age then than he does now. Scripture gives a precise chrono­ logy o f the ancestors of Noah, and anyone who takes the trouble to do a little pencil work with the given figures will find some interesting facts. Enoch was taken by God with­ out death, and of the other nine from Adam to Noah all but two lived more than 900 years. Some doubters have postulated that the figures really re­ present months instead of years, but if this were so, three of these men would each have produced a son when only five years of age. As everyone knows, Methuselah lived the longest, attaining the age of 969. We find here the seeming para­ dox that the oldest man died before his father did, and the explanation is that his father was Enoch, who did not die at all for God took him with­ out death. Of these men, Methuselah is the only one who outlived his son who was in the line of ancestry of Noah. This son was the father of Noah and died just five years before the flood. His life was shorter by more than a century than any of the others, and if that had not been so, he could have survived only by being taken by Noah into the ark. As this was not in God’s plan, he was taken by death shortly before the deluge came. Methuselah died the very same year that the flood brought destruction to those who were not preserved in the ark. Some believe they can find in the name of Methuselah a promise that the flood would not come as long as he lived, and although this has not been verified, we see that the Lord did withhold His wrath until the death of the one who lived longer than any other. This is a testimony of the patience and longsuffering of our Lord who is not willing that any should perish. The Bible tells us that at the time of the return of our Lord it will be as it was in the days of Noah, with the world again worthy of destruction. As the time grows short, those who belong to the Lord need to feel the urgency of saving as many as possible.

On December 19, 1959, Walter Williams died, the last surviving par­ ticipant in the Civil War. He claimed to be 117 years old, though it is said that records show his age was really about 104. A Dane named Draken- burg claimed the age of 146, but such figures are generally based on hear­ say and not on- written records, and therefore one cannot be certain of their accuracy. However, several in­ vestigating agencies concluded that an African who died in Johannesburg in 1945 really was more than 120 years of age. Some animals have a reputed life­ span well above the actual facts. The notion that elephants live to be 150 years old has been traced to a French general named Amand, while the greatest a g e actually established for an elephant seems to be around 70 years. A great age has been attri­ buted to whales and while the true lifespan of these creatures is difficult to ascertain, the best evidence at hand indicates that they live more than 30 but less than 50 years. Some fish, such as carp and pike, have been said to attain a very great age, but investiga­ tion reveals that the maximum age of the carp is around 12 to 15 years, and that of the pike is probably 60 to 70. Another popular belief is that parrots become exceedingly old, but few live much more than 50 years, with the exception of the cockatoos. There are claims of birds passing the century mark, but they have not been confirmed by a recent investigator. Sacred crocodiles in India have been said to live more than 200 years, but authentic records cast doubt that they live much beyond a half century. Although it seems that man outlives most animals, there are a few which outlive him. Some tortoises apparent­ ly can live more than 150 years, and the lowly sea anemone may live more than a century. In the world of plants many trees live much longer than man, and until rather recently the world’s record for longevity was thought to be held by the California big trees, of which the General Sher­ man tree is the largest. The oldest of these trees which was cut for lumber is said to have been 3148 years old. The new world’s record, in excess of 4600 years, goes to the bristlecone

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MARCH, 1960

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