King's Business - 1960-03

but, having itching ears (wanting to hear only what they want to hear). God’s people have a definite respon­ sibility to “ believe not every spirit, but try the spirits, whether they are of God, because many false prophets are gone out into the world” (I John 4:1). The royal road to fulfilling this responsibility is undeviating adher­ ence and obedience to The BOOK— come what may. This is the road to thrilling, spiritual maturity.

out of season . . the grand old Apos­ tle warned of the time coming when shallow-thinking, fickle Christians will not only “ turn away their ears from the truth and be turned to fables,” but will actually insist that their teachers “ tickle their ears” and teach that which will condone sin, not convict of sin. In fact, the words in chapter 4 of II Timothy are quite strong. “ For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine,

B Y A L T H E A S . M I L L E R S cene : 7th Grade History Class, Hill Memorial School C haracters : 18 Junior High Students (and they are characters). One de­ fenseless Teacher S etting : Library-Classroom A ct I (and only one) T eacher , at the close of a discussion of Captain Eddie Rickenbacker’s har­ rowing 21 days adrift on the Pacific during W.W. II: “Who will give us a definition of S.O.S.; what does it actually mean?” S tudent : (Teacher’s son. His is the first hand raised). “ Slide Over Sweet­ heart.” T eacher : Momentarily stunned, but quickly recovering and ready to lay said student out flat for his effrontery. (If only he were as adept at serious studies as he is at “ laissez-donc!” ). Another look at the boy’s face and the mother-teacher noted that his face was unusually sober. “ Surely he can’t be­ lieve that is correct,” raced through her mind. “ Paul Kent, where did you . . Teacher could not go on. She was convulsed in laughter. Laughter rang throughout the classroom. S tudent : “ Mother, David told me that’s what it means. Isn’t it true? Can’t I believe my own big brother?” T eacher : (saved by the bell) “ Stu­ dents, look up the definition of S.O.S. to report in class tomorrow.” Over a sandwich and a glass of orange juice at noon, mother and daddy enjoyed a refreshing laugh at the expense of their gullible 12 year old. Mother wasn’t sure whether she ought to kiss or kick David when he returned home from college for dis­ seminating false definitions to his kid brother. The cares of life rest lightly upon Paul, and imagination is such a strong factor in his make-up that the wilder and the more unlikely the story or definition is, the more readily he believes it. As Mother prayed for her precious, enigmatic young son, thinking of him in terms of his extreme gullibility, an admonition of the Scriptures came to her mind. In charging young Timothy to “ preach the Word, . . . in season,


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MARCH, 1960

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