King's Business - 1960-03

Report From the Orient:

Operation-Eyes by Joyce Roberts W e a r e from the Jaragon Church,” said a white bearded man with a large group about him. “We’ve come to see the eye doctor.” “ All right, bring your beds and blankets this way.” From another direction, “ Fve been put off my job since I can’t see anymore. May I see the American doctor?” “ Register your name and get a ticket.” Tugging from behind, “ I only want to see enough to move about the house My husband is away all day.” “ Doctor will do all he can for you, lady.” All day long these pleas came. This was the beginning of a new experience —a free eye Camp. Never have I seen so many sore eyes, visual defects, and blind folks! A ll the Punjab had come to see the American Eye Specialist— Dr. Strause. He was to be at the Frances Newton Hospital for two weeks. In four days, 1500 people had registered. The whole community pitched in to help! Enamel cups were given for those in need by a large factory own­ er. From the Sikh Girls High School, two girls came each day to wheel the patients back and forth from surgery and help with the many dressings. Christians and non-Christians, lay people and medical personnel were working together at the top speed—: over and above the regular and con­ tinuous hospital routine. Eye clinic for half a day and then operations for the next day and a half. The average was 28 eye operations a day. Then late one night, wind, dust, thunder, lightning and rain! Fearful relatives, staggering patients, and rushing nurses began to evacuate the large tents. Heavy bedding, wooden beds, and newly operated patients were transferred to the many long porches that surround the hospital. The day came for discharge. The first group of patients had their ban­ dages removed. Slowly and then sud­ denly, came the spark of joy on their face. They could see the doctor, the boy in the comer, their fingers on their hands. Such delight and joy for these people who had waited so long to see again! And Dr. Strause said, “ This is why I came 10,000 miles.” At the end of two weeks 250 eye operations were done and 1250 sore eyes seen in clinic. “ The people which sat in darkness have seen a great light.” Not only those who were pa­ tients but the whole Ferozepore com­ munity—all who came in contact with “ Operation—Eyes.”

300 MORE MISSIONARIES NEEDED • TEAM offers challenging opportunities to qualified young men and women who have a love for souls and are willing to sacrifice to get the gospel to the lost in every area of its 15 fields. The call for missionaries is urgent; more than 300 are needed. What is your answer? Will you respond to the Lord’s call now, during this 70th anniversary year of the Mission? • Supporters and prayer partners who will sacrifice that these may go, also are urgently needed. For further information, please write to: THE EVANGELICAL ALIANCEMISSION (TEAM), 2845 W. McLean Ave., Chicago 41, III. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: GENERAL DIRECTOR: David H. Johnson Carl A. Gunderson, Chairman • Joseph Horness, Vice Chairman • Enock C. Dryness, HONORARY: Secretary • Chas. E. Bodeen, Treasurer • Arthur Jensen, Vice Secretary T. J. Bach Robert C. Van Kampen • John Rea • Robert A. Cook • Iver Erickson Elmer Johnson

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Information on how you can have an " Accent on Youth Crusade” in your chttrch.

BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Inc. Extension Dept. 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, Calif.



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