King's Business - 1960-03

Aunt Betty

A Special Invitation To


Talks with Teenagers

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RULES: You must be 13-19; you must give name, address and ages, but only first nome and city will be used. Letters will be regarded as confidential. Send to this column in core of The King's Business. Dear Aunt Betty: I read your answer to Lewis about telling the truth and l wonder if you can help me with another kind of sin. It is stealing. I don't take money, or pick pockets—I never stole a cent in my life—but I have taken pencils and paper and stamps at the office where I work in the summer and things at school. I want to be a testi­ mony for the Lord. I am 17 and in High School. What shall 1 do? Name and Town withheld 1. You can confess it to the Lord and ask Him to help you not to be a thief. 2. You can stop right now—today —this moment—taking anything that does not belong to you. The Word of God is very plain on this point: “ Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth” (Eph. 4:28). 3. You can begin to pay back the things you have taken. Remember what Zacchaeus said: “ . . . If I have taken anything from any man by false accusation, I restore him four­ fold” (Luke 19:8). That was the law. We are not under the Mosaic law, but under grace, we go much farther. I do not say, however, that you must return far in excess of what you have taken. But it would not he amiss! At least, try your very best to pay for the things you actually took—even if you have only a very small sum to put on the debt each week. 4. Watch yourself scrupulously about the smallest things. Property represents money. Someone put out cash for those things. You might not take cash but there is little difference. 5. Depend upon the Holy Spirit to check your habits, and make it a mat­ ter of constant prayer. The Lord will give you complete victory—and you will become a strong testimony along these very lines. God bless you! Do not be depressed or unhappy. Just let the Lord take control and get out of this miserable bondage. My dear young Christian Friend: You can do five things:

Every Sunday Afternoon At 2:30 p.m. in THE CAMPUS AUDITORIUM 13800 BIOLA AVENUE Between Rosecrans and Imperial

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COURSES BY GERALD B. STANTON, Th. D “Christian Foundations" .............................................. $3.50 "Great Words Of The Gospel" .................(................ 2.50 COURSES BY LOUIS T. TALBOT, D.D. L.L.D. "Christ In The Tabernacle" ........................................ 6.00 "God's Plan Of The A ge s" ......................................... 3.50 "The Book Of Revelation" ........................................... 5.00 "Prophecies Of Daniel" .................................... "The Book of Ephesians" ............................................. 3.50 "The Cults" 6 Units— $1.50 per Un it...................... 6.00 EVANGELICAL TEACHER TRAINING COURSE 6 Units Advanced Certificate (write for information) 6 Units Preliminary Certificate Course ......... ........ 9.00 COURSE BY CHARLES L. FEINBERG, Th. D. "The Major Messages Of The Minor Prophets" 5 Units $3.50 each unit 14.00


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BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, INC., C O R R E S P O N D E N C E S C H O O L 558-K-3 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif. | | Enroll me In Course ................................................................................ j Send me free brochure of all courses offered. NAME............................................................................................................... ADDRESS............................. CITY.............................................................................. ZONE...........STATE..

Find fee enclosed

MARCH, 1960


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