King's Business - 1960-03

Instrumental accompaniment is furnished by George Broadbent at the organ and Rudy Atwood at the piano. Familiar to listeners are the important keyboard techniques of these two men who back the 30 voice choir.


A familiar and well-loved voice reads correspondence from soldiers, housewives, lonely farmers, people from all walks of life. “ Go right ahead, Honey,” is her cue.

Messages are often written out in long hand and are carefully gone over before broadcast time. While the choir rehearses, Dr. Fuller sits nearby checking every point he has felt the Spirit would have him say.

All music on the program is under the direction of Dr. H. Leland Green.

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Expertly trained Gospel singers rehearse long hours to present the familiar old hymns and Christian favorites in simple song styling. Listeners enjoy music they can join in singing. Great care is given to make certain that every word may be clearly heard by the listeners.



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