King's Business - 1960-03

J U B I L E f t

Robert w a lk e r Editor, Christian Life Magazine Our hearty congratulations to you and your staff on this Golden Jubi-

lee of a great service in the field of Chris­ tian journalism. May the Lord cont i nue to bless you all richly in the tremedous tra­ dition yoü have for the glory of

already established the Lord.

Russell T . Hitt Editor, Eternity Magazine

I have been familiar with the ministry of THE KING'S BUSINESS

since I was a child. Various members of my family thought that there was n o magazine quite like it. Later on, I got better acquaint­ ed with it when

My retirement years are free from investment worries

I was a special student for a time at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, and I have always followed its prog­ ress with interest. Never at any time in history has there been a greater need for magazines that are both Biblical and courageous. It would be my continued prayer that THE KING'S BUSINESS makes these its twin goals for the days ahead as its Jubilee Year is celebrated.

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W a lte r I.. W ilson Pastor, Bible Teacher

Through the years the messages brought to me through the pages of

T H E KING'S BUSINESS have en r l c h ed my heart and en­ lightened m y mind. T h o s e who wrote the articles h a v e certainly been guided by the

P rom pt, full p a ym en ts w ith ou t fa ll for o v e r a cen tu ry


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Holy Spirit in meeting the needs of those seeking comfort and of those seeking knowledge. I have enjoyed and been blessed by the human touches that have been so suited to the moods of men, and the needs of God's children. May the Lord continue to bless the ministry of THE KING'S BUSINESS as it enters homes each month, and enriches many hearts.

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MARCH, 1960

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