IMDPA Fundametals Newsletter [Q1]

The Conference Committee chaired by Tim Duca is assembling a team to put on another great Conference which will be held again at the Eaglewood Resort in Itasca IL. Sept. 26-28, 2023. If you have suggestions for topics to be presented or wish to present at the Conference, please contact Tim, or Mike Masenior, The Technical Resources Committee is already working on providing additional content for the Website, Webinars, Newsletter and Conference Topics. We have begun to gather training videos and technical information to be made available for adding to the value of membership. We also ask that if you have any technical or training material, either video or articles that you are able to share, please send them to Mike Masenior, The Webinar Committee is compiling a schedule for 2023 presentations and is looking for volunteers to help with the administrative and presentation tasks involved. If you have previous experience or if your company can assist, please contact Elena West, The Website is in the process of being refreshed with a stronger focus on providing valuable technical content designed to enhance your knowledge of the industry. If you would like to be part of this new creative team, contact Mike Masenior, The Membership Committee is seeking new committee members who can help to craft our increased member value message and join in on the steps being taken to enhance our reach across the industry. If interested in joining this most valuable committee please email nick.hammer@ 2023 promises to be rewarding as travel is resuming with more face to face interaction with our colleagues. Having said that, we are looking forward to another great Conference this September 26-28 (Mark your Calendar). We are looking forward to the challenges of what this year brings and we are confident that this will be a rewarding year for the IMDPA membership. Stay Tuned.

Greetings All, We are rolling into 2023 in big way with a lot of focus on improving the value of the IMDPA for our Membership. Much of the emphasis on the work done thus far in 2023 is building a strong Committee base with defined goals and accountability. We are working to align our committees with our strategic plan going forward. This is important to keep us focused on growing the association and keeping it relative for the future. We have established a great Team of leadership heading up our committees and are always looking for more help with volunteers to help on the Committees. If you are able to join one of the committees listed below please contact myself,, Mike Masenior, info@ or the Committee Chairs for more information. • CONFERENCE - Chair: Tim Duca, Canpack • TECHNICAL RESOURCES – Chairs: Carl Thomsen INX, Eric Kuhns, Henkel • WEBINAR – Chair: Elena West, Ohio Art • MEMBERSHIP – Chairs: Nick Hammer, Trivium Packaging , Paul Dounian, Miltec UV • EDUCATION & OUTREACH – Chair: Sarah Jacks, INX • WEBSITE – Chair: Mike Masenior, IMDPA • COMMUNICATIONS (Newsletter, Social Media) – Mike Masenior, IMDPA Sarah Jacks, INX

John Clark IMDPA President


Q1 2023 [ 3 ]

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