Evan Money January/February 2019

Get a Ph.D. in Your Spouse What if you put the same time and energy into studying your spouse as you do for fantasy football or social media? That may sting a bit, but I’m speaking the truth out of love. What do I mean by study your spouse? Just because you are married to someone and live with them doesn’t mean you really know them. Remember last issue’s article on not drifting apart? Here is a fun and game-changing exercise you can do with your spouse right now. My bride and I did it over the course of a few dinners and the results, as well as the sex, that followed were spectacular. Below are questions and prompts for you to answer or simply share what you know about your spouse. After you answer or share, let your spouse fill in areas, share new stories, or retell old ones and see where the conversation goes. Once you finish the list, then it’s your spouse’s turn. • Talk about the beliefs, habits, values, or major events of your spouse’s grandparents. • Share what you know about your spouse’s early life and formative years. • Name the top 10 events that you think shaped your spouse. WisdomSource From the Simple. Easy. Fun. Enjoy! PROVERBS 12:15 “A fool is in love with his own opinions, but wisdommeans being teachable.” Ready to go from the average life to the Gold Life? To reach the Gold Life of thriving in your health, relationships, finances, and spiritual walk, you simply need to learn and do things you have never done before. In order for things to change, you must change; in order for things to get better in 2019, you must get better. If you are ready to be teachable, we invite you to apply for the two open Gold Life coaching slots we have for 2019. Just email Gold@EvanMoney.com

• Share what you know about your spouse’s teen years. • Talk about favorite vacations or trips you have taken together. • Talk about favorite vacations or trips they took before you met, at any age. • What are your spouse’s greatest regrets? • What are your spouse’s greatest dreams, fulfilled and also unfulfilled? • Name your spouse’s top five disappointments. • Name your spouse’s top accomplishments. • Which five trips would your spouse love to take before they die? • What are your spouse’s biggest struggles and obstacles of today? • Talk about your spouse’s spiritual journey. • What are your spouse’s spiritual gifts and passions? • Before your spouse dies, what do they want to do? • Your spouse feels the most loved when you do what?

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So what does life to the full look like? It’s living the Gold Life; it’s thriving in your health, your relationships, your finances, and your spiritual walk. In order to go from your old life to the “Gold Life,” the first thing is to drop a capital “G” in front of “old” and truly put God first. Yes, you really can have life to the full. In fact it’s how it’s supposed to be with God, and it all starts with enjoying the now.

As Christopher Robin and Pooh once said,

“What day is it?”

“It’s today.”

“Oh, my favorite day.”

“This is the day the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it.” –Psalm 118:24



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