APi NSG Newsletter | Winter 2019

company updates

safety tips sending chill vibes, literally winter calls for winterization

faces in the field: chris hooper ifp | atlanta, ga

As temperatures drop, it’s necessary to prepare your facilities to avoid freeze-ups in your sprinkler pipes. Some of the most common service calls related to freeze-ups result from minor issues that could have been prevented by something as small as draining drum drips (low points). Click here for a checklist to help you prepare for the cold temperatures and avoid costly repairs (pictured below).

background Chris has been with International Fire Protection- Atlanta for three years. He is a fire sprinkler inspector, but also inspects and tests fire

extinguishers and backflows. The employees at APi NSG really enjoy working with Chris. why he’s awesome Chris has the ability to effectively handle the logistics of a large number of accounts and make sure each customer is communicated with and cared for. His favorite part of the job is traveling to new places and meeting lots of new faces...Dr. Seuss is that you? tid bitS Chris says that faith is a big part of his life and his favorite band would be a worship group called United Pursuit Band. He admits to being a nerd and would love to meet JRR Tolkien or C.S. Lewis if possible. If Chris was stuck with one meal for the rest of his life he would choose a 3-egg omelet with everything on it, side of bacon, and an americano.... YUM!

speed mentoring an event by women in construction building great leaders

This month, the Women in Construction committee hosted a Speed Mentoring event where employees had the opportunity to meet with senior leaders of our company face to face. Some of these leaders included our CEO, CFO, company Presidents etc. In short, all very busy people that took a large chunk of their day to meet with employees and answer questions or give advice. This was an amazing opportunity and many of our employees were able to attend. Here’s what one of our employees had to say about the event: “The APi Group Speed Mentoring event was an invaluable opportunity to speak with people that I wouldn’t otherwise have had the chance. Even if I could have spoken to these leaders in another context, mentorship wouldn’t have been at the forefront of our minds and the conversations probably wouldn’t have led to future development support. For so many Presidents and COOs to take a whole morning out of their calendar...it really shows APi’s commitment to the mission of Building Great Leaders TM .” - Megan Mullowney, Implementation Team Lead

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