HOT|COOL NO. 3/2023 "Technology and Sustainability"

Photograher: Jesper Voldgaard

Five good tips Find a suitable area - preferably a business area (with an approved local plan). Apply for a commitment to net settlement (equivalent to the Danish Energy Agency). Have a tender document drawn up - with a guarantee for production. Involve the network company as early as possible. Be aware that financing must be done with a mortgage loan.

Source: Søren Gertsen, Grenaa Heating Plant

for business. But the negotiations with the electricity network company are probably the part of the process that has re- quired most time and resources. We also have a tax status, so we don't have to pay tax on our electricity sales, even though we are, in principle, liable to pay tax. As a heat producer, elec- tricity production and sales are a new territory for us – both legislatively, technically, and commercially – so you should ex- pect to use expert assistance along the way. I don't know if all district heating companies will be able to gain from their own electricity production, but I think that many more than today would, says Søren Gertsen.

If the plan goes ahead, it will mean that half of the heat in the future will come from heat pumps, solar heating, and electric boilers. And that Grenaa DH Company, viewed over a whole year, covers all its own electricity consumption plus a little more. Important prerequisites Søren Gertsen estimates that other heating companies will benefit from establishing their own production of electricity, even though several factors must be considered carefully, fac- tors which can determine whether a business case is sustain- able or not.

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- We have been favored by several factors, one of which is that the land where we established the PV cells was already zoned

Grenaa Heating Plant 5,650 customers Primary production facilities: Two wood chip boilers: 38 MW Solar heating 1: 8.5 MW Solar heating 2: 14.5 MW Air/water heat pump: 4.5 MW

Planned and on the wish list: Utilization of surplus heat from the neighboring company De Danske Gærfabrikker (The Danish Yeast factories) - which will be able to supply 4 MW of surplus heat around the clock, corresponding to 30,000 MWh of heat - via a water-water heat pump. 2 MW wind turbine – awaiting approval from the municipality 10 MW electric boiler – which can utilize its own electricity production. New large business customers at the Port of Grenaa

Solar cells: 6,200 MWh of electricity annually (from September 2023, 10,000 MWh is expected annually with the expansion of solar cells).

16 HOTCOOL no.3 2023

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