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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 AGRESSION Un évènement impliquant trois adultes, sur la rue Principale de Casselman, a donné lieu à des accusations d’agres- sion contre un homme. La police a répondu à un appel concernant une perturbation, à midi, sur la rue Princi- pale, le 16 février. Un homme de 45 ans de Casselman fait maintenant face à deux accusations d’agression et à une accusation de résistance à la police. Il doit comparaitre en cour provinciale le 1er avril, à L’Orignal, pour les accusa- tions. —Gregg Chamberlain FRAUD CHARGE March is Be Aware of Fraud month on the police calendar and Russell County OPP arrested a 40-year-old Montréal man on charges of fraud March 2 after receiving two calls about fraud attempts at banks located in Embrun and Cas- selman. The police incident brief states the accused used fake I.D. and fake credit cards to try and withdraw large sums of money. The man is charged with attempted fraud exceeding $5000 value, identity fraud, and using a forged document. He was scheduled to appear in provincial court in L’Orignal March 3 on the charges. – Gregg Chamberlain IMPOSTEUR POLICIER Se faire passer pour un policier est l’une des accusations portées contre un homme de 39 ans, de Casselman. Les accusations ont été portées le 5 février. L’homme est également accusé de menaces, d’introduction par effraction, de méfaits d’une valeur supérieure à 5000$ et de vandalisme en général. Il doit comparaitre à L’Orignal, le 4 mars.– Gregg Chamberlain NATURAL GAS The United Counties of Prescott and Russell economic development and tourism department (UCPR) has filed an application to the Ontario Natural Gas System Expansion Grant Program. The department’s review of present natural gas line setups in Prescott-Russell indicates that Casselman, The Nation Municipality, and East Hawkesbury Township would benefit the most from expansion of natural gas supply main lines.– Gregg Chamberlain CONDUITE EN ÉTAT D›ÉBRIÉTÉ Un homme de 37 ans, de Limoges, a été inculpé à la suite d’une enquête policière sur un accident survenu sur le chemin Rocky Hill, à St-Albert, le 14 février. L›homme est accusé de conduite avec facultés affaiblies, de conduite imprudente et de ne pas être resté sur les lieux d›un accident. Il doit compa- raître à la cour de L›Orignal, le 11 mars prochain.– Gregg Chamberlain PARENT COUNCIL FUNDS The Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) will distribute the provincial Parents Reaching Out grants to all parent councils in UCDSB schools. The old method had the province require parent councils to apply for the grants. This year’s grant to the UCDSB for its parent councils totals $16,423 and help support projects like literacy nights and parent conference sessions for parents of students in school activities.– Gregg Chamberlain



BDUJPO3FQSFTFOUBUJWFTGPSUIF0&$5"BOE the provincial government returned to the bargaining table, March 4, and have been in negotiations since then. 5IF0445' XIJDISFQSFTFOUTQVCMJDIJHI school teachers, on-call teachers, education assistants, and specialists in continuing education, early childhood education, speech-language pathology, social workers, psychologists, secretaries, plant support personnel and others in the secondary school system, announced it will halt its series of rotating strikes across the province VOUJM.BSDI But the union will instead expand its “limited withdrawal of administrative ser- vices” in Ontario’s public high schools. 0445' QSFTJEFOU )BSWFZ #JTDIPG TUBUFE that the tactic will have “minimal effect” on classroom activities. #JTDIPGBMTPDSJUJDJ[FE&EVDBUJPO.JOJTUFS Lecce’s announcement about scaling down plans for increasing class sizes in Ontario’s schools. “The minister’s latest vague proposal to fund class size averages at 23 (students) for 1 (teacher) will still result in significant challenges for students,” Bischof stated. i8FBMSFBEZTFFPWFSDSPXEFEDMBTTSPPNT and disappearing courses, often courses students need in order to graduate. This proposal does nothing to address those serious problems, all of which have come BCPVUEVFUPUIF'PSEHPWFSONFOUTTIPSU sighted policies.”

A group of citizens with fundraising experience has offered to help Russell Township when the time comes to find money for the proposed sports and recreation project. “Our purpose is to offer assistance to Russell Township,” said Doug Anthony, during a presentation of the new Community for Sports and Cultural Infrastructure Steering Committee (CSCI), during the March 2 public session of council. Anthony noted that the main purpose of the presentation to council was to introduce the committee of volunteers and ask for council’s endorsement, and also to assign a member of council and a representative for the municipal parks and recreation depart- ment to sit on the committee. Besides Anthony, the committee includes 1IJM3ZBO ,BSJOF#PVDIFS 5IFSFTB8FWFS  and Mark Kelly, all of whom have experience in organizing fundraising drives for various community projects. During a later interview, Anthony stated that the CSCI committee is an independent group of citizen volunteers, and not part of the Russell Kin Club organization, which also has been a primary force of fundraising for various community projects. Anthony noted, during his presentation, that the CSCI committee is in the develop- ment stage right now, and is reaching out to make contacts at the regional, provincial and federal government levels, and with business, non-profit groups, foundations and other philanthropic aid groups, and others. The unions representing teachers of Ontario’s English-language schools now appear divided on their tactics and stra- tegy for dealing with the province during the current contract dispute. 5IF &MFNFOUBSZ 5FBDIFST 'FEFSBUJPO PG0OUBSJP &5'0 DPOàSNFE MBTU.POEBZ  that it will continue with its strike action QMBOXJUI&5'0QSFTJEFOU4BN)BNNPOE outlining what the union calls Phase Seven of its strategy, during a media conference in 5PSPOUP)BNNPOETUBUFEUIBU1IBTFXJMM take effect March 23, following the annual spring break, if the provincial government does not show willingness to return to the bargaining table. )BNNPOEEJTNJTTFE&EVDBUJPO.JOJTUFS Stephen Lecce’s claim that the provincial government made an “important conces- sion” by offering to revise two of its policy plans for Ontario’s education system. The minister suggested the government would limit increasing class sizes to 23 students next term, from the current 22 instead of 28, as was the original plan. Lecce also said the provincial govern- ment would allow for an “opt out” option for school districts on its original plan for mandatory e-learning for some courses in TDIPPMDVSSJDVMVNT)BNNPOEBSHVFEUIBU the provincial government is still determined to reduce the number of teachers in Ontario

schools and increase class sizes as part of its cost-cutting measures for education. Other unions Meanwhile, both the Ontario Secon- EBSZ4DIPPM5FBDIFST'FEFSBUJPO 0445' '&&40 BOEUIF0OUBSJP&OHMJTI$BUIPMJD 5FBDIFST"TTPDJBUJPO 0&$5" CPUIIBWF called a temporary halt to their labour L›Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association est de retour à la table des négociations avec les négociateurs provinciaux. La Fédération des enseignants des écoles secondaires de l›Ontario (OSSTF/ FEESO) a annoncé une pause temporaire de ses grèves tournantes, au moins jusqu›après le congé de mars. Mais la Fédération des enseignants du primaire de l›Ontario a annoncé son intention d›entamer la septième phase de sa stratégie visant à forcer le gouvernement provincial à revenir sur certaines de ses politiques de réduction des couts de l›éducation. —archives

"%7*403:(30610''&34)&-18*5)4103541-&9130+&$5 GREGG CHAMBERLAIN

Un complexe sportif et récréatif polyvalent fait toujours partie du plan de la Municipalité de Russell, pour remplacer ses deux arénas vieillissants et compléter son dôme sportif. Un groupe consultatif de citoyens a maintenant offert son expertise et son expérience en matière de collecte de fonds au conseil municipal, lorsque le moment sera venu de trouver des moyens de financer le projet. —photo Gregg Chamberlain

The goal, he emphasized, is to be ready to provide advice and assistance to the township on finding sources of funding for the sports and recreation complex, when council makes its final decision on how big the project will be, what facilities it will include, and now much it will cost. i8FXBOUUIFNPWFSTBOEUIFTIBLFST of the community involved,” Anthony said.

i8IBUFWFSZPVBTDPVODJMEFDJEF UIBUTXIBU XFSFHPJOHUPTVQQPSU8FBSFSFBEZUP FOHBHFUIFFOUJSFDPNNVOJUZ&WFSZCPEZ has a stake in this.” Council members expressed apprecia- tion for the CSCI’s offer of assistance and directed administration to prepare a report for a future session on how the committee can work with the municipality.

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