JANU ARY , 1966
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(With features from the December I P ’BIOLA h o u r " broadcasts)
CM tHU lCC tO tflO lQ . 8 ISetv Music Building
CONTENTS THE INCARNATION ...................... 3 THE VIRGIN BIRTH .................... 5 THE WISE MEN ............................. 6 CHRIST'S GLORY ........................... 8 ISAIAH 9:6 ....................................... 10 PRINCE OF PEACE............................12 CHRISTMAS JOY ............................14 PANEL DISCUSSIONS .....................17 PARABLES AND PEARLS ..............31 COVER: Vital In the training of Biola students is the Music Building which houses the beautiful Lansing Memo rial Pipe Organ. The organ is a much- used instrument throughout each day for students to take lessons and prac tice. The building also houses a recital hall, classrooms, and practice rooms. at Los Angeles, California.
Monthly Publication of the BIOLA FELLOWSHIP Vol. 6 No. 1 JANUARY, 1966 STAFF President .............................................S. H. SUTHERLAND Ed itor......................................................... .ALSANDERS Production .............................................VIRGINIA LU8ER Photography............................................................................BILLBIMANN Printing ..........................................................CHURCH PRESS Published monthly by the Radio Department B IB L E IN S T IT U T E O F L O S A N G E L E S SSS So. Hope SI., Los Angeles, Calif. 90017 Controlled circulation postage paid
YOIIU CHR IST IAN W ILL Did you know that there is a way to invest in Biola for the training of students while saving costly estate taxes! Ultimately you may be able to leave more money for your loved ones. ° As a Fellowship member you are under no obligation when you write for information or counsel. B IO L A S T E W A R D S H IP D E P A R T M E N T T H E B I B L E I N S CALIFORN IA A.M. MTWTF Arroyo Grande-San Luis Obispo KÓAG 1280 9:00 Bakersfield-Wasco KAFY 550 4:00 KWSO 1050 9:30 Chico-Marysville KHSL 1290 8:30 Fresno-Dinuba KRDU 1130 8:30 Lodi-Stockton KCVR 1570 8:00 Los Angeles KBBI 107.5 (FM) 8:30 KTYM 1460 9:00 Los Angeles-Longi Beach KGER 1390 11:00 KGER 1390 10:30 Oxnard-Ventura-Santa Barbara KOXR 910 8:0( Redding-Red Bluff KQMS 1400 San Bernardino-Riverside KCKC 1350 KFXM 590 Santa Cruz KSCO 1080 KSCO 99.1 (FM) San Diego KBBW KDEO San Francisco KFAX 1100 102.9 (FM) 910 9:00 7:30 8:30 8:30 8:00 4:00 P.M. Sun A.M. MTWTF A.M. Sun. A.M. MTWTF A.M. MTWTF A.M. MTWTF A.M. MTWTF A.M. MTWTF P.M. MTWTF A.M. MTWTF A.M. MTWTF A.M. MTWTF A.M. Sun. A.M. Sun. A.M. Sun. A.M. MTWTF P.M. Sun. T I T U T E H O U R Santa Maria KCOY 1440 7:00 A.M. Sun. Turlock KCEY 1390 KHOM 93.1 (FM) 9:00 A.M. Sun. O R E G O N Albany-Eugene KWIL 790 KWIL 790 Ashland-Medford KRVC 1350 Coqullla-Cooa Bay KWRO 630 Portland KPDQ 800 KPDQ 93.7 (FM) 8:00 3:00 11:30 11:30 W A S H IN G T O N Blalne-Vancouvar, B.C. ICARI 550 Seattle-Tacoma KGDN 630 Spokane KCFA 1330 Walla Walla KTEL 1490 Yakima KBBO 1390 8:30 A.M. MTWTF 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 8:00 A.M. MWF 9:30 A.M. MTWTF 8:30 A.M. MTWTF (Radio boa continued on vaae 22) 10:30 A.M. MTWTF A.M. MTWTF A.M. MTWTF A.M. MTWTF A.M. MWF A.M. MTWTF A.M. MTWTF
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by Lloyd T. Anderson
Bethany Baptist Church West Covina, Calif.
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^TUDYING the incarnation and vir- 0 gin birth of our Lord Jesus Christ is one of the most vital areas of fun damental scriptural truth for anyone to consider, both believer and unbe liever. His deity is the virtual corner stone of Christianity. Throughout the entire Bible it is clearly taught. The human mind cannot fully grasp all of the mysteries of. this majestic subject. This is true, however, about many natural mysteries surrounding us. As an example, who understands the full mystery of such things as the growth of a tree or the color of a flower? There are so many things with which we come in contact every day that can not be fully comprehended with mere finite minds. Deuteronomy 29:29 tells us, “The secret things belong unto the Lord our God.” All we can know about the Lord Jesus Christ is given to us in the Word of God. We accept it as Biblical revelation. Through the pages of sacred writ, the Saviour is clearly shown as Jehovah God in human fQrm.
Consider first of all Isaiah 7:14, “Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall con ceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” T h a t name means, “Jehovah (or God) with us.” This is the prophecy of the Lord promising to appear in human flesh. The complete fulfillment of this verse is declared by the Holy Spirit through Matthew 1:22 and 23. The purpose of His coming is beau tifully portrayed in Isaiah 9:6. This is one of the most important verses in the Bible. It proves the deity of Jesus Christ. “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the gov ernment shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonder ful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.” How we can revel in this mar velous portion of truth. You see, every one of these titles applies to God Him self. In Isaiah 20:21, for example, we find this same phrase, “The Mighty 3
God” applied to Jehovah. The same is true in Jeremiah 32:18. There is only one true and living God. The third great verse of promise is Micah 5:2 revealing not only the birthplace of Jesus Christ, but also giving an important statement con cerning His identity and deity. “But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall- he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting” (or as the margin gives us, “from eternity”). This shows the pre-existence of our Saviour. Christ made available His wonderful atoning sacrifice so that He is able to save to the uttermost all those who come unto God by Him (Heb. 7:25). Looking at the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ we need to consider the testimony of God the Father. Then we need to regard the statements of our Lord Jesus Christ. Finally, we must consider the witness of the disciples and apostles who followed Him here on this earth. Concerning His Son, Almighty God has stated, “But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, 0 God, is for ever and ever; a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom” (Heb. 1:8). God is addressing His own Son who is God. Coming up from the waters of baptism the Lord from heaven de- Biola's radio ministry is extended greatly through the tadlities of XBBW, San Diego. Pictured from right to left in the station's control room are Hr. At Sanders, «ice president of Public Delations, Mr. Phill Butler, station manager, Mr. Ed Steele, director of Radio, and Mr. Reger Booth (seated) program director.
dared, “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased” (Matt. 3:17). Then we find Christ praying “Now 0 Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was” (John 17:5). This plainly declares His existence with the Father in eternity past. In John 10:30 He clearly states of Himself, “I and my Father are one.” We should not miss other im portant verses such as Matthew 13:41; 16:27; 24:21; and Luke 18:7. The Saviour is united with the Father in bestowing final rewards to men as suggested in Hebrews 11:6. That which is stated about God is also de clared of Christ in Matthew 16:27. Even while Christ was on the earth in the body of His humiliation, subject to the limitations that human form imposed, His deity is clearly and un mistakably revealed. In Isaiah 44:6 we read, “Thus saith the Lord the King of Israel, and his redeemer the Lord of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God.” Christ adopts the same language for Himself in Rev. 22:12 and 13. In the eyes of those who were with Him here on earth we find beautiful testimonies, given under the inspira tion of the Holy Spirit. John 1:1 forcefully points out, “In the begin ning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” The explanation of this is seen in the 14th verse, “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we be held his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” What a beautiful picture of the Lord Jesus Christ. No more wonderful verse on the subject can be found than John 3:16. Yes, God was made flesh and dwelt among us. No matter how filled with confusion this world may be, as long as we can see Jesus Christ as God’s own Son, as the Bible teaches we need have no fear. The Saviour will take care of His own. Remember the purpose for which He came into the world which was to re deem fallen mankind. “Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift.”
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T here is only one starting point in considering the virgin birth of pur Saviour. The place at which our discussion begins is the Word of God. If God has spoken, and He has, then we must find out what He has said and believe what He has declared. If Christ was a mere man, born only of a human mother and father, like our selves, then He was also a member of a sinful fallen race. In essence, He would also need to be saved. How could one sinful man save another? Yes, it is vital and essential to know whether Christ was virgin born. In Matthew 1:16 we find the gen eration of Jesus Christ. Notice the little word “begat” in this section. Then see how suddenly use of it ceases and parenthood changes to the mother in verse 16. This is most sig nificant as Mary is brought into focus. Joseph is -not called the father of Christ. Before the marriage was ever consummated, Mary’s condition was discovered (vs. 18). There was no marital relationship until after Jesus Christ was born (vs. 25). Joseph knew he was not Jesus’ father. He first thought Mary had been unfaithful to him. He was about to put her away. Then God sent His angel to bid Him to marry the virgin. Look at the ex pression in Luke 3:23. The public knew no better but the writer did. He was directed by the Holy Spirit. Other Scripture verifies this great cardinal doctrine. See Gal. 4:4; John 1:1; 1st Tim. 3:16; and others. We do not necessarily use Christ’s miracles as proof of His virgin birth. Elijah and other men were given divine power also. We look at mar velously fulfilled prophecy such as Isa. 7:14. Consider the language of Luke 2 :15, for it was not a vain curiosity which led the shepherds to Bethlehem. This
was an order from heaven to investi gate and to ascertain God’s good news. It is our privilege to accompany these shepherds as well as the later wise men. We, too, behold a striking display of divine truth. Here was God’s chief promise given to man. What a w ande rfu l assurance it brought. It was first given centuries before, after the fall of man into sin (Gen. 3:15). While many years went by before the fulfillment, God always keeps His Word. There are many interesting details of the promise God gave concerning the birth of Christ. The Messiah was to come from a particular nation, Jew ish; a particular tribe, Judah; a par ticular family, David; a particular mother, a virgin. The failure to ful fill any one of these predictive pro nouncements would prove God to be a liar. Every single promise concerning His coming was literally fulfilled to the minutest detail. Such prophecy had been recorded for ages. None of these circumstances were accidental. Joseph and Mary were residing at Nazareth. Judea had been under the Roman dominion. Caesar Augustus wished to know the number and wealth of his own subjects. Had Mary been delivered a few days sooner Christ would have been born else where. The Word of God would have been of none effect. Prophecy would not have been fulfilled. While all of these occurrences may have seemed unusual on the surface, yet they were not so to God. He knows all His works from the beginning. These were living links forming a great and wonderful chain of truth. These promises of God were the pivots upon which everything was turning, the center in which everything was united, the end to which everything was rooted. We shall be considering more of them in our future studies. 5
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O NE OF THE INSPIRING SCENES usu ally considered at this season is the visit of the wise men to the birth place of the young Child. Now this is the theme upon which the imagination easily lays hold. Many artists have placed this on canvas as they have visualized the scene from the long ago. We must be very careful, how ever, not to get our knowledge of the subject from paintings, hymns or traditions. The Bible is our only au thentic source. We do not know, for example, that there were three men. The Word of God doesn’t say so. It is doubtful that the magi were even kings. It is more than probable that they arrived in Bethlehem long after the traditional day of Jesus’ birth. Let us fasten our attention upon the three gifts these men brought considering their significance. These were truly gifts fit for a king. First of all gold is certainly a royal gift. The tombs of Egyptian kings give ample evidence of that truth. The earliest records of the human race show that men were attached to this precious metal. In the providence of God He was watching over every de tail with the coming of His Son. This provided Joseph with sufficient funds to take the young Child and His mother down into Egypt for refuge. Frankincense was one of the ingre dients used in anointing priests of Is rael. It was- mixed with the meal of ferings which were for praise and adoration of God. The Lord said, how ever, that no frankincense was to be mixed with any of the offerings for sin. We think of this when we turn to the life of Jesus Christ and note how His life was lived. He was abso lutely without any sin. His whole life was as a fragrance of praise and wor ship unto the Lord. As for us, how ever, there is an enemy in the midst of our lives, a sworn ally to the devil,
which is our own hearts. Our Lord Jesus had no indwelling sin as you and I have. It was fitting that frank incense should be offered as the sym bolism of such attributes. It spoke of His holiness. The third of these gifts was myrrh. Large quantities of this were used by rich people in preparing bodies for burial. Perhaps myrrh is the most sig nificant of the gifts brought to the Lord. We must not forget that both the first as well as the second coming of Christ are foretold in the Old Tes tament. He cries out in Psalm 22, “My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me.” Read Isa. 60:1-3 to find the prophecy of the future glory of Jeru salem at the time of the return of the Lord. By no stretch of the imagination can any literal fulfillment be claimed for this passage at the present or any past hour. It is still in the future. When Christ comes again God’s Word tells us that there will be gifts of gold and frankincense (Isa. 60:5 and 6). Myrrh was brought when He came the first time because it was the sign of His death and burial. He need never repeat His sacrificial death. This atonement was once for all. Myrrh was mingled with the oil of Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson, pastor of the Bethany Bap tist Church, prepares his verse by verse messages ter broadcast. Dr. Anderson's ministry has been used greatly of the lord ever "The Biola Hour.”
som and redemption for us. This was the purpose of the virgin birth and is the true meaning of Christmas. Any attempt to get some other mean ing out of the season is to play fast CHRISTIANS AWAKE Christians, awake! Salute the happy morn Whereon the Saviour of the world was born; Rise to adore the mystery of love, Which hosts of angels chanted from above; W ith them the joyful tidings first begun Of God Incarnate and the Virgin's Son. Then to the watchful shepherds it was told, Who heard the angelic herald's voice, "Behold, I bring good tidings of a Saviour's birth To you and all the nations upon earth; This day hath God fulfilled His prom ised Word; This day is born a Saviour, Christ the Lord." He spake; and straightway the celes tial choir In hymns of joy, unknown before, conspire; The praises of redeeming love they sang, And heaven's whole orb with alleluias rang; God's highest glory was their anthem still, Peace upon earth, and unto men good will. Then may we hope, the angelic hosts among, To sing, redeemed, a glad triumphal song; He that was born upon this joyful day Around us all His glory shall display; Saved by His love, forever we shall sing Eternal praise to heaven's Almighty King! — John Byrom and loose with the Word of God. The only purpose of His incarnation was His Saviourhood. He came into the world to give His life a ransom for many. 7
anointing in setting apart the high priest of Israel. Christ was set apart for the task of death in offering sac rifices for His people. Young men are warned against the way of the prostitute in Proverbs 7:17. She says, “I have perfumed my bed with myrrh.” We can never real ize all that it cost the Lord to take upon Himself the load of our sin. The way of the prostitute is the way of death. When Christ died on the cross, He took not only the polite sins of a cultured civilization, but also all the horrors, curses and unspeakable vile ness of men’s souls. There was one use of myrrh in an cient times which the Lord refused. When one wanted something to numb his pain myrhh was prescribed. It evi dently stupified the senses. When Christ was crucified, in Mark 15:23 we read that they gave Him wine mingled with myrrh. He refused to re ceive it because He was going to take all of the suffering which death be cause of sin could possibly bring to mankind. He was made sin for us who knew no sin. Instead, then, they gave Him vinegar which only heightened His thirst. He finished His work, bowing His head and giving up the ghost (John 19:30). They brought myrrh to Him at Bethlehem and now they brought myrhh to Him in the garden tomb. They had not understood Psm. 18:10, “For thou wilt not leave my soul in hades; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corrup tion. They used a hundred pounds of spices to embalm His body. The myrrh was packed between the folds of the linen cloth, leaving the body bound like a mummy. In His resurrection, Christ passed right through the wrap pings. Is it any wonder that we read of the impression this sight made on the keen spiritual mind of John? Peter dashed into the open tomb while John followed hesitatingly. The myrrh brought to Christ’s feet by the wise men was the symbol of His coming death. We who were dead in trespasses and sins may now look unto the cross of our Saviour with confidence and eternal life. He gave His life a ran
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A s we consider the busy activities of the days before Christmas, it is our earnest prayer here at Biola that we might not overlook the wonderful meaning of God taking upon human form which we know as the incarna tion. Have you ever stopped to think what kind of a world this would be if Jesus Christ had stayed in glory? He turned aside from the ivory pal aces that He might present Himself as God’s eternal gift of love. Think of the hopelessness of man had He not been born in Bethlehem (John 15:22). Our own salvation and the triumph of the church down through the centuries testify to the fact that Christ did come to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. C. H. Spurgeon described humanity if Christ had not come by saying, “While the world is a cesspool of iniquity, still society would be more putrid if it were not for the in fluence of Christ’s character upon the earth.” Looking at it from the material side, what would life in the home, so ciety, business and church be like without the real meaning of this yuletide season. Has it ever impressed you that the only free peoples of the earth are those whose lands have been touched with the good news of Christ’s coming? Is it true that often there are the trappings without the inner life. This is indeed a tragedy. We are not debating such matters as the Christmas tree and tinsel, the outward aspects of Christmas, but rather the true “meat” of meaning. Surely th e re m ust have been something unique about this One whose birth has claimed universal and perpetual recognition. There have been others whose advent has blessed mankind. Their birthdays are also re membered nationally. The birthday of Christ, however, has gained increas
ing honor with the passing of the years. He came into the world to give life. His one unique mission was to die. For more than 19 centuries the world has listened to His teachings. Christ transformed a dreary wilder ness of a world into a garden of roses. If there had been no first Christ mas morn, revelation would have been without a climax, prophecy would have been without a fulfillment, humanity would have been without a Saviour, men would have been without an ideal, eternity would have been with out any hope, and the world would never have had a real song from the heart. Because of His foreknowledge God was able to look down the vista of the ages and to know that man, after his creation, would sin and fall into iniquity requiring a Saviour. In the dateless past and eternal ages gone by, love drew salvation’s plan. In the fullness of time Jesus came as the promised One. Bethlehem vindi cated the honor of God.. True to His own Word, the Lord fashioned for His own beloved Son a body in which to give His life on the cross so that we Mr. Steve Hickerson (right), president of the Associated Student Body of Biola College, looks over some mail with Dave Bancroft, vico president of the organization. The students are now seeking to raise approximately $60,000 with which they intend to erect a much needed Memorial Union Building on the Campus.
might be delivered from sin (John 4:34). The expectation of the Old Testament awaited the manifestation of the New. If the Saviour had not come, the complete Bible would never have been ours. The Old Testament without the New would have been as a bridge only half way over the chasm of human darkness. A curse fell upon man because of sin and rebellion (Gal. 3:10). How miserable man would have been if left in such a hopeless state. Christ came to deliver the sinner from the curse (Gal. 3:13). By dying that death Jesus delivered all who believe on Him from the condemnation of the law. The New Testament, unlike the Old, ends with a benediction rather than a curse (Mai. 4:6). Christmas gives us the final crown of God’s revelation. It is no wonder that the devil tried to destroy the royal seed from which Christ was to come. God supp lied an abundance of prophecies in the Old Testament to foreshadow Christ’s coming and min istry. In the first five books of the Old Testament alone we have the Lord pictured in a seven-fold way. He is the Seed of the woman in Gen. 3:15. He is the Salvation of Jehovah in Gen. 48:18. He is the Sceptre in Gen. 49:10. He is Shiloh in Gen. 49:10. He is the Shepherd of Israel in Gen. 49:24. He is the Stone of Israel in Gen. 49:24. He is the Star of Jacob in Numbers 24:17. How futile these predictions would have been had Christ stayed in heaven. Dr. G. Campbell Morgan declared, “In Christ we have the sum of all vir tues, the flower of humanity; there is none like Him. In perfection He is supreme. He is absolutely unapproach able; the best among men our only Man. Christ was the One who wrote the charter of the emancipation for women. He taught us the value of the children. He proclaimed the priceless ness of the human soul. All the insti tutions which are beneficial to the human race owe their origin to His in fluence. The impact of His life and power, personality and Saviourhood
is stamped upon every phase of human life. Coming into the world, Christ found a very dark place in which to live but brought to it, as to all the world, the light of heaven. ‘The light of the world is Jesus.’ When Jesus came the power of sin was broken. His very name declares His willing ness to save men and women from their sins. It is to Christ we turn NEW YEAR'S WISHES What shall I wish you? Treasures of earth? Songs in the springtime, pleasure and mirth? Flowers on your pathway, skies ever clear? Would this insure you a happy new year? What shall I wish you? What can be found Bringing you sunshine all the year round? Where is the treasure, lasting and dear, That shall insure you a happy new year? Faith that increaseth, walking in light, Hope that aboundeth happy and bright. Love that is perfect, casting out fear, These will insure you a happy new year! Peace in the Saviour, rest at His feet, Smile on His countenance, radiant and sweet, Joy in His presence, Christ ever near. These will insure you a Happy New Year! with a certainty of the proclamation of heaven, as well as of hell. He brought life and immortality to light through His own blessed Gospel. What an inexpressable difference His coming has made in our lives.” As one writer put it, “Thus, as we sing our carols anew, let us bless the Christ who has put a new song into our mouths, a song that we will never tire of singing, throughout the unend ing ages of eternity to come.” All of this is ours simply because the Lord Jesus Christ came into the world on His mission of divine love! 9
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W h jle most B ible scholars agree December 25 was probably not the birthday of our Lord, other times of the year such as January 6, March 25, and November 18 have been ob served. In the mid-fourth century, the Bishop of Rome arbitrarily set Decem ber 25 as the uniform time of observ ance. Christmas, however, isn’t just a sin gle date on the calendar. It is a univer sal, wonderful, spiritual fact of his tory. This we do know, that Christ was actually bom one day in Bethle hem. The subsequent days to His death, burial and resurrection has brought salvation to millions of peo ple down through the centuries. C. H. Spurgeon declared, “The gos pel of Christmas is not something new. It didn’t start just 1900 years ago. It didn’t even begin in Bethle hem. It all began in the Garden of Eden when our first parents sinned against the Lord. They were immedi ately blessed by the promise of the coming Redeemer (Gen. 3:15). They, and all their God-fearing descendants down through the years, believed the promise continuing to have faith and hope. They passed it along to their children in succeeding generations. Those who have believed knew that there would be a day of fulfillment when God would send His only begot ten Son into the world to make good that Old Testament promise. While they died in that faith, through it they were eternally saved from their sins.” Dr. Vine illustrates this particular point by taking us back to Isaiah 9:6. This promise was written 800 years before Christ’s actual coming. All those who believed this prophecy were so sure about Christmas, that they talked about it as though it were a present reality. They already en joyed the saving power of Jesus’
birth because they believed He would appear even before He had ever come. They had full assurance that He would make atonement for their sins. To them, Bethlehem was an accom plished fact. Christ was divine on one hand and human on the other. He was not only born a child with an earthly mother, but also was given by God whose real Son He is. He had no earthly father. He was conceived miraculously by the Holy Spirit. He is the only One without sin. The person of the Son of God is inseparably united with the human nature. The two are united in one single Person. Each nature still retains its own distinctive properties. Isaiah and the men of his own day be lieved that the coming S av iou r would be altogether unique in this fashion. This great mystery was not a stumblingblock to their faith but rath er a reason for it. They knew that to be saved from sin meant the necessity for this God-man to come to redeem them. The first name Isaiah gives our Lord is “Wonderful Counsellor.” Some Bible expositors believe these two titles should be separated. I prefer to believe that they form one wonderful Dr. and Mrs. Jamas H. Christian enjoy the fellow ship of a student program on the Campus. Dr. Christian, a graduate of Biola, is dean of the College. Mrs. Christian has headed an important project of seeking out used furniture and other items which would be helpful to student and faculty families.
name. This is exactly what He turned out to be. As He taught men His Gos pel, they marvelled at His wisdom. Even at the age of 12 He baffled the wise men of the Temple. The second name is “The Mighty God.” Again, so He proved Himself R E N E W E D A T C H R IS T M A S Faith should be renewed at Christmas As we celebrate the birth Of the Christ who came from heaven To this dark, benighted earth For the purpose, great and wondrous, Of redeeming fallen man, Who was helpless, lost and dying Out of God's good will and plan. Hope should be renewed at Christmas As we worship, pray and sing, Looking upward to the Saviour Who is "Prince of Peace" and King; Who'll be coming for His children, Maybe ere the day is done, Or as evening shadows gather, Or at morning's rising sun. Love should be renewed at Christmas For our Father on His throne, Who so loved this world of sinners As He gave us Christ, His own, Yes, He sent His Son beloved From His heaven grand and fair, Who should die for our salvation And to save us from despair. Peace should be renewed at Christmas W ith good will for all mankind, And a generous heart and spirit From the depth of soul and mind; W ith rich blessings for our loved ones, For our neighbors and our friends, And with joyful hearts and greetings As through Christ their hearts will mend. — Rev. Walter E. Isenhour to be. His enemies called Him a blas phemer, and yet He proved beyond a shadow of a doubt, by His miracles, that He could truly say, “Before Abra ham was, I am.” In our next message we will consider the other titles which Isaiah gave Him prophetically.
A M E S S A G E O F H O P E A number of years ago during the Christmas season two leaders of the China Inland Mission, who had been cap tured and in the hands of bandits for nearly a year, heart-searchingly thought about the future. On the surface there was not one thing to lighten their load and to make them cheerful. December 25 was only a few days away. They were even forbidden to talk to each other. To say one single word meant a stiff blow from a nearby guard. Suddenly, one of the missionaries had his heart gripped anew with the message which character ized the first Christmas, “God with us.” Thinking on that truth all the grim sur roundings were forgotten. Revelling in this wonderful assurance he tried to think how he could convey the message to his fellow prisoner. Unnoticed by the guard he began fumbling in the straw, which was about all they had to keep them warm. He moved the sticks around, forming them into letters. He started with an “E” and then made an “M” by bending the straw. The guard was not suspicious so he kept on with another “M,” then an “A,", an “N,”, a “U,” an “E,” and finally an “L." His companion had the blessed message in the word “Emmanuel." To the ■evil bandit this didn’t mean anything. To the other mis sionary, however, it meant the glorious truth which alone can bring joy to the human heart, “God with us.” Through the remaining days of their captivity the missionaries had their spirits buoyed up remembering that no matter how hard the circumstance, the Lord is always near at hand. This is another of the blessed truths of the season. “They shall call His name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.” W H A T C H R IS T D O ES Joseph Parker, an outstanding minis ter-of God who was pastor of the London City Temple, eloquently declared, “Christ is the only man in history bom with spe cific and exclusive reference to the sins of the human family. I thank all men who have done anything for me but there is a fire in me that is burning up my life. Who is to put that out? There is an asp biting at my soul and / am dying of its injected poison. Who can touch a disease of the mind? The blessed Son of God came with the avowed purpose of doing this very deed." 11
PRINCE OF PEACE W hat did I saiah mean when he declared prophetically the name of Christ to he “The Everlasting Fa ther” (Isaiah 9:6)? When He was upon this earth, the Lord was called the Son of God. He Himself prayed to His Father in heaven. The Saviour told them in His day, “If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also.” “I and my Father are one.” “He that hath seen me hath seen the Father.” “Be lieve me that I am in the Father and the Father in me.” How these personal testimonies verified I s a ia h ’s state ments. While he may not have under stood the total mystery of the Trinity, yet he understood and believed firmly that Christ, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, is the One and only true God. Jesus is then called, “The Prince of Peace.” This is especially popular in this season of Christmas. His birth was heralded by ang e ls singing, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth, peace, good will toward men.” Christ told His disciples, “Peace I leave with you. My peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth give I unto you; let not your heart be trou bled, neither let it be afraid.” Btola has been extremely grateful to the members of tho Bothany Baptist Church of West Covina (pictured below), for allowing thoir busy pastor, Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson, to be featured over the Tuesday/Thursday broadcasts of "The Biola Hour."
by (D a . JUoyd J. ûndsAian
Isaiah, as in our day, lived in a world of war. Christ was born into a strife-torn era and yet He preached the gospel of peace. This was a peace far more substantial than the idle dreams men falsely hold. Christ made possible a spiritual peace between God and man. This matchless recon ciliation was only accomplished at the cost of His own life as He went to the cross of Calvary. We can also enjoy the peace of God which comes to the believer who J s trusting completely in the Saviour (Phil. 4:6). We can join the company of God’s people, gathered from all ages the earth over, and sing His praises together as re deemed of the Lord. Christmas has always brought home to my heart many tender memories. There is no real Scriptural instruction as to how we are keep this day. Put it down for a certainty, however, that Christmas is not of pagan origin. To be sure, its practice has become cor rupt in certain nations while over commercialized in ours. The important fact is that “in the fullness of time,” God came down to earth in the person of His own Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. S u re ly no Christian needs hesitate to observe with joy and glad ness this wonderful occasion. Christ mas means to me the realization of the great mystery of Godliness of which the apostle Paul spoke so eloquently. Dr. Ironsides declared, “As one meditates on this precious truth, the blessedness of it stirs the heart to worship, praise and deepest thanksgiv ing. How wonderful that God should come so close to man revealing His heart to His own creatures. After this to give Himself a ransom for their guilty souls. Bethlehem is but the first step down from the throne of Glory toward the cross of Calvary.” The in carnation of our Lord could not in it self save men from the judgment due 12
terested spectators. There are not many kings and queens left in the world, but whenever one does pay a visit, great public interest is aroused. Let us then consider the real King, the Lord Jesus Christ. He was hid den in human form, but this makes Him all the more fascinating and wonderful to behold.” Christ was recognized by the magi but feared and hated by Herod. He was heralded by John the Baptist but driven of satan into the desert. He TODAY'S WISE MEN Who were the wise men long ago? No* Herod, tearful lest he lose his throne, Not the Pharisees, too proud to claim their own, Not those whose province it was to know, Not money changers, running to and fro, But those who traveled weary and alone, W ith doubtless faith because before them shone, The star that led them to the manger low. Who are the wise men now when all is told? Not men of science, not the great and strong, Not those who wear a kingly diadem Not those whose eager hands pile high the gold, But those amid the tumult and the throng, Who follow still the Christ of Bethle hem. taught with divine authority. Some believed in Him while others turned away, and would have nothing to do with Him. He was always regal in His authority for His kingdom was not of this world. It was the kingdom of heaven come down to earth. We need to see at this Christmas hour how wonderful it is to behold Jesus Christ, not only as the Babe born in Bethlehem, but as our Saviour who indwells the hearts of everyone who believes and trusts in Him.
them for their sins. It does tell, how ever, the love of God to us who have wandered far from Him. It is impossible to separate Easter from Christmas, for He who was born in a stable was despised and rejected by those whom He came to save. His crucifixion not only expressed the full ness of divine love, but also revealed the hatred of man’s heart, energized by the devil himself. We cannot overlook the fact that millions who forget God throughout the year are literally forced to remem ber that “God so loved the world” at this season. Christmas carols sound forth from many areas. They tell out the glad story that Jesus came to save. Men may ignore their message, may even try to forget and yet the word continues to ring out. We grieve at the way Christmas has become com mercialized, nevertheless, we see the message go out into all the world. In examining the m ean ing of Christmas, we find it is a time of fellowship for our families. The prac tice of exchanging gifts has been greatly abused and yet there is some thing sweet and precious in remem bering loved ones in this manner. For children it is an important time. Many, who in later years have wan dered far from the Lord, can look back with tender feelings upon truly Christian Christmas observances in childhood days. These influences can be used by God to draw them back from the paths of folly. The world would lose a great deal of its warmth and the joy should Christmas ever be forgotten. There are many, however, who keep Christmas and yet r e j e c t Jesus Christ as Saviour. To reject Him is to incur endless judgment. You may be the only real Christian somebody knows. How you observe the day will make an indelible impression on oth ers. We need to be very humble as we consider this great responsibility. Dr. V. Raymond Edman declared, “Every body wants to see a king. When roy alty makes a visit to any city and com munity, there is always a crowd of in
by (D a . <£Loyd J. (btdeMan
W E CAN BE THANKFUL that we live in this 20th century sharing the many scientific discoveries in the rap idly expanding achievements of man. How blessed, however, to be able to base our faith in unchanging truth that, “God commendeth His love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Christmas brings with it glory and blessing which reaches out to touch that which is heavenly and eternal. For many people, Christmas only means merriment and revelry. How many know the real blessedness of this season. It is not explained in mere human pleasure. God meant the world to be a joyful place. Because of sin and unbelief man has turned the glory of the Creator into sheer tragedy. Love divine came down when Christ was bom. The simplest things of life yield maximum pleasure. There is an old French proverb which says that the man who seeks pleasure will never find it. But the man who does his duty will always find pleasure hunting him down. What would have happened had not the glory of God’s love broken over the face of the earth at Christ mas? Every morning, Christmas dawned anew for the Apostle Paul. What a lovely word that God “commendeth” His love. Christ came to bear man’s Visiting the Bioia Campus recently were members et the North Redondo Chapel, Redende Beach, Calif. Pictured -below from left to right are Mr. John Isaac, director of Stewardship for Biota, Mr. Af Sanders, Biota «ice president of Public Relations, Or. Herbert H. Richardson, pastor of the church, Rov. Thomas Kerfoot, assistant pastor, and Dr. Richard Chase, Bioia Academic «ice president.
burden of sin, dying on the cross, to become our Redeemer. Joy pulsated as is illustrated by Luke 2:10 and Mat thew 2:10. It has been said that “the world has grown old with its burdens and care, but at Christmas the world is always young.” Our hearts leap in anticipation of these wonderful truths concerning our Lord’s birthday. Man’s poor substi tute for God’s joy is only happiness, always conditioned by outward cir cumstances, ready to fade into sor row with a change of weather or dis position. Joy, however, does not wait upon others, or even our fluctuating feelings. Without God’s sustaining power, we are quickly plunged into fear and despair. Christ’s joy comes from within while the world’s happi ness is from without. The joy of the Lord in the heart of a born-again be liever has deep and lasting roots. Hap piness is only on the surface. The Lord’s joy fills our hearts completely. There is no satisfaction in what the world has to offer. Lord Byron tasted deeply of what people call pleasure. He was a famous poet and writer, penning the words, “There is not a joy the world can give like that which it takes away.” The fatal flaw in seeking our own happiness is that we most always seek in order to possess. God’s joy can operate in our lives only when everyone and everything we cherish is considered as being held in trust for Him. We are stewards. Even if hap piness is shattered joy can rise from within. A king instructed his gardener to plant six trees placing statues be neath each. They were to represent prosperity, victory, strength, duty, beauty and joy. They were to repre sent the king’s reign carried on for the good of his people. On the comple-
the way to the Garden of Gethsemane. In the moment of His greatest sor row and trial, He rightly spoke of joy. Joy does not come from what we have, but from what we are. The Psalmist tells us, “Thou wilt show me the path of life, in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand, there are KEEP CHRIST IN CHRISTMAS The birthday of our Lord draws near; The "Day-of-Days" of all the year; A day of hope and joy and cheer. Keep Christ in Christmas. Let not old Santa crowd Him out, W ith whiskers gray and body stout. He helps the world forget about The loving Christ at Christmas. The day is Christ's by right divine, A day no myth should undermine, A day when thoughts and deed sub lime Should keep our Christ in Christ mas. Then every message, every gift. Should in some joyous way uplift One's very thought, and make them drift To Bethlehem at Christmas. Beyond all else this all should be A day of holiest memory, When all the world should joyfully See Christ, its Lord, in Christmas. Give other things a minor place, But tell to man in every race The story, on this "Day of Grace," Of Christ, his Lord on Christmas. — Harriet Clarke pleasures fo rev e rm o re .” (Psalm 16:11). At Christmas, God built a bridge reaching from Himself to each of us. His only purpose is that He might bring us unto Himself. Joy at Christ mas is the only real truth that stands the test of time. Is it real in your life? Do you know and love Jesus Christ as your only Lord and Saviour? May you have this glorious joy filling and flood ing your life this day! 15
tion of his task, the gardener joined the king in inspecting the work. See ing joy, the king declared, “I thought you would typify this by some flower ing plant like the magnolia. How could this palm tree represent joy?” The gardener explained, “These trees get their source of sustenance when apart from all others. Even in a dry and barren desert, their roots go down to bring nourishment. This, sire, is the true representation of joy.” How right he was. Our satisfaction can come only when we find our strength in the unseen fountain of God’s grace which man cannot comprehend. Real joy can never be found in what this world calls pleasure. Poets have composed carols and an thems to His praise and honor. Num berless painters have pictured Him in the familiar manger scenes. The true picture, however, is one of a reeking stable, a poor village woman and a tiny helpless baby. The shepherds were given a two-fold sign: wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. A halo is certainly not men tioned for Christ, and definitely not for Mary. The wise men rejoiced when they saw the star. They knew it would lead them to the infant King. Joy can only be born into our hearts when it is heaven sent. In John 15:11 we read, “These things have I writ ten unto you that my joy might re main in you, and that your joy might be full.” Christ spoke these words on State Assemblyman Joseph Gonsalves (right) presents Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, Blela president, a special letter o( commendation from the governor of the State at California.
LOVE DIVINE John 3:16 It was love that led the Lord from heaven's glory To the lowly manger-bed in Beth lehem. And His love divine alone reveals the story Why He laid aside His regal dia dem. Long before the world was formed in God's creation, And unnumbered stars were placed in endless space, Jesus offered to proved complete redemption To a sinful, fallen, dying human race. Oh, the mystery of love that knows no measure; Love that saves the soul and sets the sinner free; Love that opens wide the storehouse of God's treasure, Filling heart and mind with peace and victory. Let the whole world then be filled with joyous singing On this happy, blessed, hallowed Christmas morn. Let the joybells in the heart be loudly ringing, Sending forth the glad good news that Christ is born. Shepherds listened to the royal proc lamation As the angels let their hallelujahs ring; Christ is born, they sang, the Giver of salvation Unto all who crown Him as their Lord and King. Then for me this is the Christmas truth I cherish, Christ the Saviour of the world, my Lord shall be, W ith Him dwelling in my heart I'll never perish, But have life, abundant life, eter nally. — Albert Simpson Reitz
CHRISTMAS MEDITATION Suppose that Christ had not been born That far-away Judean morn. Suppose that God, whose mighty hand Created worlds, had never planned A way for man to be redeemed. Suppose the wise men only dreamed That guiding star whose light still glows Down through the centuries. Suppose Christ never walked here in men's sight, Our blessed Way, and Truth, and Light. Suppose He counted all the cost, And never cared that we were lost And never died for you and me, Nor shed His blood on Calvary Upon a shameful cross. Suppose that having died, He never rose, And there was none with power to save Our souls from death beyond the grave! As far as piteous heathen know, These things that I've supposed -— are so! — Martha Snell Nicholson A PRAYER FOR THE NEW YEAR Lord I would ask for a holy year, Spent in Thy perfect will; Help me to walk in Thy very steps— Help me to please Thee still. Lord, I would ask for a busy year, Filled up with service true; Doing with all Thy Spirit's might A ll that I find to do. Lord, I would ask for a dying world; Stretch forth Thy mighty hand; Scatter Thy Word, Thy power display This year in every land. Lord, I would ask for a year of hope, Looking for Thee to come, And hastening on that year of years That brings us Christ and Home. — A. B. Simpson
siah had not yet come in the Old Testament times, they could not asso ciate such things with their cere monial acts. These great truths can only be meaningful and understood after Christ had accomplished His wonderful work of redemption. Q . Los Angeles, Calif. — "As a child I was taught it was wrong to buy things unnecessarily on the Lord’s day. A t my church, however, many Christian people go out and eat on Sunday thinking nothing of it. I ’m asked to go along many times and yet this seems to be very unnecessary. Is it desecrating for the Lord’s day?” A. If you feel that eating out on Sun day is not right, then you are violat ing your own conscience to go ahead and do it. State your views positively to others, not beligerently but in love, and they will not bother you further. This is one of those areas about which Christians may differ. We are thor oughly sympathetic with this individ ual since we, too, were brought up this way. We certainly should endea vor to keep the Lord’s day holy. Q . Eugene, Ore. — "Please explain the application of the pearl of great price given to us in Matthew 13:A5 and i6.” A. This is one of the most important of parables in Matthew. Our Lord Jesus had been tremendously opposed 17
Q . Leavenworth, Kans. — "What is your definition of a Christian?” A. A Christian is an individual who in simple faith has accepted Jesus Christ as his own personal Saviour. He recognized first of all that he is a sinner and that he cannot save him self. In essence he says, “Lord Jesus, take me now and receive me unto Thy self. I’m accepting Thee as my Lord and Master” (John 1:12). A true Christian does not try to do anything to merit salvation. He does everything good that he can afterwards. Christ is the One who earned our way into heaven (John 3:18). A Christian is one who believes in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and receives Him as Saviour, instead of trying to work out his own salvation. The Gospel is summarized in I Corinthians 15:1-4. Q . Watsonville, Calif. — "Were the Old Testament Israelites familiar w ith baptism as we know it: death, burial and resurrection?” A. They knew about it as a manner of washing and cleansing. Certain such foundational matters were found in Judaism as well as Christianity. Just as the body was cleansed so it spoke spiritually or figuratively of the cleansing which comes from washing inwardly through Christ. They were not familiar with baptism, however, as we know it in the sense of death, burial and resurrection. Since Mes
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