name. This is exactly what He turned out to be. As He taught men His Gos pel, they marvelled at His wisdom. Even at the age of 12 He baffled the wise men of the Temple. The second name is “The Mighty God.” Again, so He proved Himself R E N E W E D A T C H R IS T M A S Faith should be renewed at Christmas As we celebrate the birth Of the Christ who came from heaven To this dark, benighted earth For the purpose, great and wondrous, Of redeeming fallen man, Who was helpless, lost and dying Out of God's good will and plan. Hope should be renewed at Christmas As we worship, pray and sing, Looking upward to the Saviour Who is "Prince of Peace" and King; Who'll be coming for His children, Maybe ere the day is done, Or as evening shadows gather, Or at morning's rising sun. Love should be renewed at Christmas For our Father on His throne, Who so loved this world of sinners As He gave us Christ, His own, Yes, He sent His Son beloved From His heaven grand and fair, Who should die for our salvation And to save us from despair. Peace should be renewed at Christmas W ith good will for all mankind, And a generous heart and spirit From the depth of soul and mind; W ith rich blessings for our loved ones, For our neighbors and our friends, And with joyful hearts and greetings As through Christ their hearts will mend. — Rev. Walter E. Isenhour to be. His enemies called Him a blas phemer, and yet He proved beyond a shadow of a doubt, by His miracles, that He could truly say, “Before Abra ham was, I am.” In our next message we will consider the other titles which Isaiah gave Him prophetically.
A M E S S A G E O F H O P E A number of years ago during the Christmas season two leaders of the China Inland Mission, who had been cap tured and in the hands of bandits for nearly a year, heart-searchingly thought about the future. On the surface there was not one thing to lighten their load and to make them cheerful. December 25 was only a few days away. They were even forbidden to talk to each other. To say one single word meant a stiff blow from a nearby guard. Suddenly, one of the missionaries had his heart gripped anew with the message which character ized the first Christmas, “God with us.” Thinking on that truth all the grim sur roundings were forgotten. Revelling in this wonderful assurance he tried to think how he could convey the message to his fellow prisoner. Unnoticed by the guard he began fumbling in the straw, which was about all they had to keep them warm. He moved the sticks around, forming them into letters. He started with an “E” and then made an “M” by bending the straw. The guard was not suspicious so he kept on with another “M,” then an “A,", an “N,”, a “U,” an “E,” and finally an “L." His companion had the blessed message in the word “Emmanuel." To the ■evil bandit this didn’t mean anything. To the other mis sionary, however, it meant the glorious truth which alone can bring joy to the human heart, “God with us.” Through the remaining days of their captivity the missionaries had their spirits buoyed up remembering that no matter how hard the circumstance, the Lord is always near at hand. This is another of the blessed truths of the season. “They shall call His name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.” W H A T C H R IS T D O ES Joseph Parker, an outstanding minis ter-of God who was pastor of the London City Temple, eloquently declared, “Christ is the only man in history bom with spe cific and exclusive reference to the sins of the human family. I thank all men who have done anything for me but there is a fire in me that is burning up my life. Who is to put that out? There is an asp biting at my soul and / am dying of its injected poison. Who can touch a disease of the mind? The blessed Son of God came with the avowed purpose of doing this very deed." 11
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