A. We are looking for good students here at Biola. Why not send him to join us? Every man and woman on our faculty is a born-again child of God. A fool is one, by definition, who is beside himself. The Psalmist declared, “The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God.” Such a person is void of real reasoning when he makes a state ment such as that. “The heavens de clare the glory of God, and the firma ment showeth his handiwork.” All the way through nature there is the un mistakable evidence of God. Then there is the written Word. We see the Lord un fo ld ed here unmistakably. Finally, God is manifested in the liv ing Word, even in the person of our Lord Jesus Christ. This three-fold revelation of God is proof sufficient to the unbiased mind concerning the existence of the Almighty. Pray for this young man, and the many others like him, who are assailed by godless, often atheistic professors. Biol* leaden break greund for the new gymnasium- clasiroem building en the Campus. Guiding the large scoop are Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland (left), Biola president, Nr. Paul Schwepker, vice president and treasurer, and Mr. Edward Norman, Head ol the physical education department ol Biota College.
or twice. Keep at it and God will bless you for it. Take time to learn how to communicate with your child. Have the relationship which will allow you to share your concerns about the dan gers and pitfalls they will face. The last and most important, of course, is to surround their lives with prayer. Never be shocked at what a child tells you. Keep his confidence. Listen to them and try to understand their needs, as the Holy Spirit gives you wisdom. Our sympathies and prayers are with parents today. These are difficult times in which to rear them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Q , San Francisco, Calif. — “I do not be lieve in hell and you cannot convince me otherwise. What proof do you have? Any hell that man experiences must be here on this earth.” A. We can well imagine that those who live in rebellion against God, or even believers who are out of fellow ship with the Lord, may at times think that earth is a veritable hell. Things looked bad for Jonah. He wished he were dead. Whichever way God treated him didn’t suit his fancy. This writer is not just speaking some position of a radio broadcast, a school, or a group of fundamental Christians, but rather he is speaking in the face of God Himself. Our Lord Jesus Christ had more to say about hell, perdition, eternal s e p a r a tio n from God, than any other subject. Scripture is replete with His refer ences to the subject. Think it over, friend. Get a Bible out. Forget what men may say; take it from the Scrip ture. Read Matthew to Revelation marking down the passages which speak about the actuality of hell. You will find that it is just as real as heaven. Q . Pasadena, Calif. — “Our son is a straight ‘A ’ student, however, in col lege he is assailed by his professors concerning belief in God. How can we assure him that there is a God?”
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