Q . Spokane, Wash. — “What is meant by being ‘not under the law but under grace’? May a believer in Christ ig nore the law?” A. In Ephesians 2:8 we read, “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, (that is, not of the works of the law), lest any man should boast.” Because we are under grace does not mean we are to ignore the law. We cannot save ourselves by the law for the Bible says that by the works of the law no man shall be justified. Christ always spoke in the highest terms and regard of the law. It is indeed a “schoolmaster” to bring us to Christ. The law, however, could not change the heart of an individual. All it could do was to show a person his sinfulness and need for God’s cleansing. The Holy Spirit has made us free from the law of sin and death. The Holy Spirit gives us a new life enabling us to want to live like Jesus Christ would have us live. This doesn’t mean we are to forget the law. Q . Providence, R.l. — “When Paul said, ‘I die daily’ did he refer to bodily death or death to personal desires as some teach?” A. In I Corinthians 15:30-31 we find this statement. The jeopardy he refers to here is of life itself. He meant that he was willing to giving up his life physically for the sake of preaching the Gospel. More than once the apos tle Paul almost lost his life physically. This portion refers to this very thing. There are several passages where the Apostle does speak of death to per sonal desires such as Galatians 2:20. Q . San. Jose, Calif. — “Is Biola largely a Baptist school? In trying to interest my friends in Biola, I often get the response ‘Oh that’s a Baptist institu tion’ Is more stress laid upon Baptist students, or just what is the explanar tion? I’m a Presbyterian by denomi nation but am a fundamental, born- again Christian by experience. I t trou bles me when the wrong interpreta
tion is put on any activity of your school.” A. There are many Baptist churches and people who are right with us here at Biola supporting the ministries with their prayers and gifts. We also have many Presbyterians, Brethren, Independent, and other denominations represented in the student body (some 25 in all). We are not, however, a denominational school in any way whatsoever. We are not supported by any denominational organization. We are actually nondenominational. On our faculty we have members from about 10 different denominations. They all, however, subscribe to our doctrinal statement of faith. Our sole purpose is to train young people to go into fulltime Christian service around the world. Q . Portland, Ore. — “How can I be sure that God is calling me to the minis try? I believe that He wants me to preach, but I’m just not sure." A. Do not take any steps to enter the ministry until you are positively sure. Make certain that you know the Lord Jesus Christ in true reality. Have you had a genuine spiritual ex perience? If you are married and have a large family to support, such cir- Miis Margaret Schumacher (standing), Blela Col lege piano toacher, looks over assignment records with Miss Peggy Douthit, secretary for the Music Department. Music plays a very important part in the proparation of tomorrow's spiritual loaders.
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