Q . So. San Francisco, Calif. — “Scripture states the 12 disciples wiU rule over the 12 tribes during the millennium. Did the 11 and Paul each come from a different tribe over which they will rule ?” A. Matthew 19:28 gives us our Lord’s specific words concerning this truth. This regeneration refers to the time when the earth is rennovated follow ing the judgment. Our Lord picked out these disciples f rom different tribes. Paul came from the tribe of Benjamin, as did the first king of Israel. As far as Judas Iscariot is concerned he is not going to be ruling over any tribe. These men were not chosen on the basis of tribal connec tion but because of their heart’s de sire to follow and to serve Him. Q . Seattle, Wash. — “What happens to the unborn child of a Christian wo man when the Rapture comes?” A. There are three points of view held by theologians. One is that an unborn child becomes a living soul at the time of conception. Another is that a child becomes an individual rather than just a fetus at the time when life first occurs in the womb. The third view is that a child has a soul at the time of birth. No one knows which is absolutely correct. Whenever the child does become an individual with a soul, that soul will never die. If the body dies, regardless of its state, the soul will go to be with Christ, whether new bom or as yet unborn. This is a question, however, on which we can be more expert at some future time, after the Rapture. Q . Phoenix, Arlz. — “The Bible tells us that a woman’s head should be covered in church. Why don’t the Protestant churches follow this prac tice?” A. A great many women do. Some people would no more think of going to church without a hat than a man might consider going without a tie or shirt. Their basis is I Corinthians 24
Ammonite cannot enter into the as sembly of Jehovah to the 10th genera tion. Ruth was a Moabite and her chil dren did come into the assembly of God, didn’t they? Why was this ?” A. The answer magnifies the grace of God. The Spirit of God wants to underline just how long a period He meant by using the 10th generation. It clearly means they are excluded forever. In Deuteronomy 23:7 and 8 there is a difference made between Ammonite, Moabite, Edomi t e and Egyptian. The latter two could have their children of the third generation coming into the assembly of the Lord. Why is the curse so much more severe on the others? These two nations arose from unspeakable sins of hu man depravity. Ruth’s children cer tainly did come into the assembly of the Lord. In Ruth 4:20-22 we have the genealogy of David. Boaz was his great grandfather. The law of Moses absolutely barred and expelled a Moa bite. Ruth, however, didn’t come on the basis of the law. She came cast ing herself in utter dependence, not upon any merit of her own or of her family, or even on the fact that she had been married to one of the chil dren of Naomi. She came trusting the God of Israel and found salvation through her humility. This is the way every single one of us must come, by faith without works of dny kind, to receive God’s grace and eternal life. Students in the Biola School of Missionary Medicine receive preparation in many fields of interest such as microscopic research. Here, members of a former class, work together on a specific project. This school is unique in the type of education which is offered. Only missionaries, missionary can didates or appointees may enroll.
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