Biola Broadcaster - 1966-01

11:8. The mention of angels reminds us that they are in a place of rever­ ence and self-effacement before the living God. If they show such signs of respect, how much more should we mere humans. There are some areas of Bible interpretation where good and godly men differ. Some fine Bible teachers think this portion is appli­ cable today. We must realize, however, that times and customs do change. One thing is certain: wearing a hat doesn’t make one more spiritual than another. Women should dress seemly and comely making sure their hair is in proper array, even if they don’t have a hat. Q . Long Beach, Calif. — “Were Adam and Eve married? I f so, who per­ formed the ceremony ?” A. They were joined, together in mat­ rimony by none other than the Lord Himself. God revealed to Adam that it was needful for man to have a com­ panion of his own nature (Gen. 2:20, 21). That we are here today is a def­ inite proof of how God blessed our first parents. Q . San Luis Obispo, Calif. — “How could Satan come out of heaven when there is no sin in heaven? Please give Scrip­ ture to help me understand." A. This is the reason the devil was cast out of heaven since there is no sin there. Isaiah 14:12 gives us the devastating picture of the result of pride. As soon as the devil turned he immediately was cast out of God’s presence in heaven. Consider also Ezekiel 28:14 and 15 as a type of this heinous sin. Q . Portland, Ore. — “How do you har­ monize Christ’s admonition to judge not found in Matthew 7:1 with such passages as, ‘Mark them which cause divisions and offenses and avo id them?’ Also we read, ‘Have no fellow­ ship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.’ ” A. Our Lord spoke in Matthew 7:1 concerning those who had a critical

fault-finding spirit. This does not in­ validate the word of the Apostle Paul in Romans 16:17 and Ephesians 5:11 since under the inspiration of the Spirit of God He is talking about doc­ trinal matters. It concerns heresies and deviations from the truth. So, Matthew 7:1 refers to an individual with a critical censorious spirit. In the Epistles, however, t h e exhortation comes that we should be “earnestly contending for the faith.” Q . Escondido, Calif. — “I have heard our pastor say that Christ was both God and man. In what way was this possi­ ble? I know I am a Christian and that God loves me, but how can I know in my heart that He does?” A. Your pastor is absolutely correct. “He is very God of very God; He is very Man of very man.” Jesus Christ was God in every way: in His in­ finite wisdom, in His matchless power, in His righteous judgments, in His supreme ability. On the other hand, He was a man in every way except in that He was sinless. While He was tempted in every manner that we are tempted, He did not yield whatsoever. As far as knowing in your heart that God loves you, remember your head should rule your heart otherwise the danger tends toward trusting feelings or emotions. If you have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour then, on the assured promise of Scripture, you are saved. On the other hand there are born again be- Two «1 Bioli's housemother! who serve in the new Women’s Residence Hall are Miss Margaret Kilmer (left) and Mrs. Elizabeth ScoH. The new facility new makes it possible ter all of the women stu­ dents to live on the Campus instead of being trans­ ported each day from downtown.


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