Biola Broadcaster - 1966-01

CURE FOR UNHAPPINESS Thanksgiving is appropriately made up of two words, “ thanks” and “giving." Too frequently we take the first term to the exclusion of the last. To give of our money, as well as our time and talents, should be a continuing challenge to our hearts. Yet, how often do we really make a real sacrifice? That could be an em­ barrassing question if it were not asked in the confines of our own hearts. He who is careful to be thankful for every­ thing will always have something for which to be thankful. Such a life will cure a host of injurious evils in our dis­ position. That includes self-pity, resent­ ment, murmuring, fault finding, jealousy and envy. These devastating traits will all soon whither and die of themselves. How could they ever grow inside of a heart which is overflowing with grati­ tude and praise? The Apostle Paul pro­ claims the fact that we are to “give thanks always for all things unto God and the Father by Christ Jesus our Lord.” * Jesus became the Son of man that we might become the sons of God. * * k True happiness is really inexpensive, and yet how dearly we pay for its counterfeit. * * * One who abandons himself to Christ will never be abandoned by the Saviour. k k k A good conscience is actually a continual Christmas. k k k An individual wrapped up in himself makes a very small package. k k k Christmas began in the heart of God and is only complete when it reaches the heart of man. * * * Nothing can be a greater tragedy than a Christless Christmas. k k

STEP BY STEP He does not lead me year by year Nor even day by day. But step by step my path unfolds; My Lord directs my way. Tomorrow's plans I do not know, I only know this minute: But He will say, "This is the way, By faith now walk ye in it." And I am glad that it is so, Today's enough to bear; And when tomorrow comes His grace Shall far exceed its care. What need to worry then, or fret? The God who gave His Son Holds all the moments in His hand And gives them one by one. — Barbara C. Ryberg A SWEETER CHRISTMAS Why shouldn't this Christmas be swee'.er Than ever a Christmas before, When Jesus is tenfold the dearer Outpouring His grace more and more? Why shouldn't my praise mount higher For mercies still greater He's shown, For hope of His coming brought nigher To those who are fully His own? Why shouldn't the future be brighter W ith glad expectation each day? Why shouldn't each burden seem lighter W ith Jesus our King on His way? Why shouldn't our vision be clearer His last blest command to obey, While ever His coming draws nearer And millions in darkness still stray? Oh, thus can this Christmas be sweater Than ever a Christmas before, If souls that are dying are dearer And on them Christ's love we outpour. — Alice Reynolds Flower


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