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A s we consider the busy activities of the days before Christmas, it is our earnest prayer here at Biola that we might not overlook the wonderful meaning of God taking upon human form which we know as the incarna tion. Have you ever stopped to think what kind of a world this would be if Jesus Christ had stayed in glory? He turned aside from the ivory pal aces that He might present Himself as God’s eternal gift of love. Think of the hopelessness of man had He not been born in Bethlehem (John 15:22). Our own salvation and the triumph of the church down through the centuries testify to the fact that Christ did come to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. C. H. Spurgeon described humanity if Christ had not come by saying, “While the world is a cesspool of iniquity, still society would be more putrid if it were not for the in fluence of Christ’s character upon the earth.” Looking at it from the material side, what would life in the home, so ciety, business and church be like without the real meaning of this yuletide season. Has it ever impressed you that the only free peoples of the earth are those whose lands have been touched with the good news of Christ’s coming? Is it true that often there are the trappings without the inner life. This is indeed a tragedy. We are not debating such matters as the Christmas tree and tinsel, the outward aspects of Christmas, but rather the true “meat” of meaning. Surely th e re m ust have been something unique about this One whose birth has claimed universal and perpetual recognition. There have been others whose advent has blessed mankind. Their birthdays are also re membered nationally. The birthday of Christ, however, has gained increas
ing honor with the passing of the years. He came into the world to give life. His one unique mission was to die. For more than 19 centuries the world has listened to His teachings. Christ transformed a dreary wilder ness of a world into a garden of roses. If there had been no first Christ mas morn, revelation would have been without a climax, prophecy would have been without a fulfillment, humanity would have been without a Saviour, men would have been without an ideal, eternity would have been with out any hope, and the world would never have had a real song from the heart. Because of His foreknowledge God was able to look down the vista of the ages and to know that man, after his creation, would sin and fall into iniquity requiring a Saviour. In the dateless past and eternal ages gone by, love drew salvation’s plan. In the fullness of time Jesus came as the promised One. Bethlehem vindi cated the honor of God.. True to His own Word, the Lord fashioned for His own beloved Son a body in which to give His life on the cross so that we Mr. Steve Hickerson (right), president of the Associated Student Body of Biola College, looks over some mail with Dave Bancroft, vico president of the organization. The students are now seeking to raise approximately $60,000 with which they intend to erect a much needed Memorial Union Building on the Campus.
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