C+S July 2022 Vol. 8 Issue 7

this platform uses a “vectorized” approach. In mathematics, a vector is an arrow representing a magnitude and a direction. In this platform’s software, the arrow points in the direction of the traffic light and the magnitude is the travel time. When the system is set up, traffic signals, bus routes, and bus stops all get a digital representation on this vector. This ends up producing a digital geospatial map where software is then able to track bus progression along bus routes. This results in a sys - tem that can dynamically place transit calls regardless of its location. Instead, the system makes precise priority calls based on the expected time of arrival which is the basis for all TSP check-in calls supported by all signal controller vendors. And due to the nature of the track - ing algorithm, any significant changes to ETA can be adjusted. For example, if a bus was predicted to skip a bus stop but didn't, the system will detect the change and adjust the priority call accordingly. The combination of AI, machine learning and cloud-based technology all have great potential to not only improve the current mass transit sys -

tem but reimagine it all together. This advanced technology is already proving how it can improve coordination between GPS, navigational apps, connected autos, and even taxi and ride-sharing services to ef - ficiently combine into a single transit entity based on real-time data. In the not-too-distant future, it is expected that connected self-driving cars and trucks will be more prevalent on the roads and highways, of - fering even greater potential for AI to reduce both the duration and risk of rapid mobility.

TIMOTHY MENARD is the Founder and CEO of LYT, provider of cloud-based smart traffic solutions. LYT makes traffic lights smart by enabling them to see and respond to traffic. By doing so LYT can prioritize first responders and public transportation vehicles so they can get to their destinations faster and safer. The additional benefit is that it streamlines overall traffic flow helping to reduce congestion and emissions in high traffic areas.

Infrastructure projects require substantial design and engineer - ing efforts, and therefore have a unique set of challenges, including successful funding and permitting. Environmental regulations can be complex and penalties for non-compliance can be excessive. By taking the right steps to plan for and secure funding—starting with research and alignment with a grantor’s goals—and avoiding pitfalls in the regulatory process, proponents can be better prepared to ensure a successful project. Best Practices in Securing Funding 1. Understand the grants available It is important to stay up to date and frequently apply for available grants, or you may miss out on crucial funding op - portunities. Between local, state, federal, and private entities, there are numerous grants available across the environmental Guide to Successful Project Funding and Permitting By Joe Liebau, Jr.

spectrum—and the dollars are significant. Be aware of which grants are available so you can maximize your efforts to ensure project success. 2. Include the correct information Many project proponents quickly craft seemingly accurate ap - plications to save time and money. It is better to allocate the necessary assets to be thorough and comprehensive. To write a successful grant application, it may be helpful to seek expertise that will help position you for success. A partner will often have insight into the information that needs to be included and can ensure it is appropriately tailored to meet the goals of the fund - ing agency and includes the right amount of detail. 3. Administer the grant effectively After successfully securing funds, it is imperative to manage the grant according to the administrative, financial, and programmatic requirements. Not abiding by these rules puts you at risk of failing audits and being required to return some, or all, of the funding. 4. Layer your grants strategically Just as a project proponent would create a public participation



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