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Book your next physiotherapy appointment using our online Telerehabilitation care service. Consult a Core Solutions Physiotherapist and receive care from the comfort of your own home using our Telerehabilitation services. Private video conference technology, you can connect remotely with your physiotherapist. It’s easy-to-use, and no software installation is required. CALL US TODAY AT 905-584-6747. About Telerehabilitation. Access to healthcare services can make all the difference in the world, which is why Core Solutions Physiotherapy is constantly innovating to improve access to services and provide individuals the care they need. If in-person services aren’t available in your area or if you’re unable to get to a clinic, you can now connect remotely with a Core Solutions Physiotherapist through Telerehabilitation, which uses video conference technology to provide services at a distance. Our telerehabilitation services are easy to use, private, and most of all, convenient. Telerehabilitation: • Connects you with a Registered Physiotherapist regardless of location • Protects your privacy through safeguards • Reduces travel time while still ensuring you receive quality care
• Office ergonomic evaluations • Exercise therapy services
The types of services we offer virtually are continuing to grow. Contact us for more information. How it works. Prior to your appointment, you will receive (via email or text) a link to your appointment session. This will enable both an audio and video connection between you and your physiotherapist. Any documentation that you need to review and complete prior to your appointment will be sent to you ahead of time. If at any time during the session either you or your physiotherapist feels that using electronic communications is limiting the effectiveness or quality of the services provided, we will look to schedule an in-person appointment with you. How telerehabilitation differs from in-person services. The services are largely the same. Our physiotherapists are required to meet the same regulatory and legislative requirements and adhere to their respective Standards of Practice and Code of Conduct, just as they are for in-person services. To learn more or to schedule an online appointment, call or email info@
Our telerehabilitation services include: • Physiotherapy services
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