2024 Best of GI

or reco g nizin g us as the Best of Grand Island :

Best Financial Planning Firm

Best Retirement/Financial Planner Mitch Spiehs

Best Insurance Agent Shawni Mrkvicka

Best Customer Service

weare honored

FAN FAVORITE Best Insurance Office

We’re proud to help our clients enjoy their own best retirement lifestyle. As a purpose-driven firm, our goal is to help you retire confidently and live a fulfilled life.

Advisory and insurance services are offered through Spiehs Wealth Management, Inc. an Investment Advisor in the State of Nebraska. Best Of Grand Island ” is an annual survey conducted by The Grand Island Independent. The winner is chosen by an online vote of the general public and no specific criteria is utilized to determine the winner. The majority of voters may not be clients of Spiehs Wealth Management. The designation is not representative of any one client’s experience and is not indicative of future performance.

Find out how we can help you make the most of your retirement.

904 Concord Ave. | Grand Island, NE 68803 | 308.675.1385 | info@spiehswm.com | www.spiehswm.com

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