2025 Greater Oklahoma City Outlook


METHODOLOGY COMMENTS The forecast is an econometric exercise and is not a consensus forecast of business and civic leaders. All models are constructed from publicly available data sources including datasets from the Bureau of Economic Analysis and Bureau of Labor Statistics. The forecasts are entirely determined by the past information contained in the dataset and the econometric specification of the models. No attempt has been made to “adjust” the forecast for the beliefs or anticipation of the modeler. The forecast does not take into account anticipated growth from relocations or “new- to-market” firms. In addition, announced expansions of existing companies may take place over a multi-year timeframe and not be fully recognized in the next year. Announced projects that have not taken place are not reflected in forecasted job numbers. The reader is encouraged to treat the forecast as a baseline from which to make their own adjustments and ultimately reach their own conclusion.

Russell R. Evans Partner & Chief Economist Thorberg Collectorate

Russell Evans, Ph.D., partner and chief economist at Thorberg Collectorate, serves as president of the Collectorate’s Regional Economic Advisers division. He is a member of the American Economic Association and the National Association for Business Economics. Eric Long Research Economist Greater Oklahoma City Chamber 405-297-8976 elong@okcchamber.com Eric Long is the Research Economist for the Greater Oklahoma City Chamber. For the past sixteen years, Eric has provided business intelligence, workforce and economic analysis that supports the region’s economic development efforts and local businesses.

123 Park Ave., Oklahoma City, OK, 73102 www.okcchamber.com • 405.297.8900

TABLE OF CONTENTS OVERVIEW................................................................... 4 REALESTATEHIGHLIGHTS..................................................... 6 OKLAHOMACITYOUTLOOK................................................... 8 OKLAHOMAOUTLOOK........................................................10 U.S.ECONOMICOUTLOOK.....................................................13 APPENDIXTABLES............................................................16

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