Hometown St.Thomas October 2024

The Elephant Man by Peri Hayes Scott Smalley, co-directing and co-producing T he Elephant Man at the Elgin Theatre Guild (ETG), introduces, “My brothers, Adam and Chris, and I co-founded Odesa Company in 2022 when we set out to mount a production of Dracula at the Palace Theatre -- which opened in October 2023. Odesa Company signed an agreement earlier this year to become a theatre company in residence at the Palace Theatre, and that residency begins in 2025.” Having since joined ETG’s Board of Directors, Scott declares his motivation to grow local theatre. He highlights their working relationship with Cindi Armer-Almeida, Artistic Director of ETG, as The Elephant Man is ETG’s co-production with Odesa Company. With focus on outdated ideological perspectives, this narrative is presented by a quality cast of 13 individuals portraying 19 characters with a production crew involving 21 members. Exploring a range of emotions through storytelling is a process which Scott thoroughly enjoys. “We have a character in Joseph (John) Merrick ( ‘The Elephant Man’ ),” he details, “who is being judged by his outward appearance and not the content of his character. The production of this play is timely, as it shows us that what’s important is not to judge or conform to how society thinks we should appear and behave, but to be self- reflective, to nurture empathy, and to be understanding and supportive of the diverse lived experiences that characterize each of our unique journeys.” This production will demonstrate the use of grayscale as an homage to the biographical and historical 1980s black and white drama film, accompanied by the intentional incorporation of colour.

The Elephant Man is geared toward a mature audience. Bring- ing the role of John Merrick to life is Ben Kennes, who invites audience members to learn about Joseph Merrick and the struggles he endured: “While the content is difficult, I encourage people to come and experience the story firsthand.” With performances scheduled from October 3rd to 13th at Prin- cess Ave Playhouse, the following special dates entail: Friday, Octo- ber 4th being Opening Night

and Sunday, October 6th being Post-Show and their Q&A Session. Tickets are available at elgintheatreguild.ca/tickets, while those with volunteer interest are welcome to contact Odesa Company through their odesa.company website. Whether through merchandise or ticket purchases, as well as sponsorship opportunities, all con- tributions have a measurable impact on the growth of Odesa Company. Chris — wearing various hats which includes Spon- sorship Outreach — asserts, “These are businesses that I want to continue working and building relationships with.” More- over, Scott and Chris assure that the money raised from The Elephant Man will be directed toward future productions in St. Thomas. Ben concludes, “Odesa Company prides itself on shows that make you laugh, and shows that make you feel. We look forward to seeing you there.”

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Page 4 Hometown St. Thomas • October 2024

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