
out about it through your urine test result!! We do NOT follow “three strikes and you’re out!”. We’re in this together, with you, to support you. This is NOT a game! This disease has a nasty habit of killing people. If your urine results show unexpected results 3 times in a row, we’ll move you to the head of the ICU, the bed right in front of the nursing station. In practical terms, that tells us that you’re unable to go a full week without using. We’ll try seeing you twice a week to see if the more frequent reminders (office visits) that you have a terminal illness that will kill you works better for you. At this point you may want to get into an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) in the area. If the 1st bed in the ICU isn’t enough and you continue giving us urine tests with undesirable results three times in a row, then perhaps you need some time off to re-assess whether you’re truly ready for and desire recovery. We give these patients “a month off” with no visits or meds to allow them to re-assess where they are mentally and emotionally. If you really DO think you’re ready for recovery and just can’t do it on an outpatient basis, then you need inpatient care, generally with a 28-day program. Methadone users are treated with a multiple medication protocol that minimizes the difficulties that go with that change; from Methadone to Buprenorphine. Typically, after a week, they’re ready to stop the Methadone permanently. It may be a bit uncomfortable, but won’t be anything like the misery of coming off high-dose Methadone without any other support!

We encourage our patients to let us know of any difficulties they may be experiencing in the pursuit of their recovery. It’s not uncommon that other problems are uncovered early in the recovery process. Having an experienced team in place to help you through these difficulties may be just what you need for successful long-term recovery! Attendance at 12-step meetings such as NA and/or AA are also very highly recommended. Attendance at these meetings cause the same brain chemistry changes that are produced by the drugs. The big difference is that the meetings are healing as opposed to use of the drugs which furthers this progressive disease. Ideally, meetings are attended with other people in the same room. Some of these groups are not located locally enough to allow this however, online and phone meetings are available for these other groups. Addiction is a family disease as well. To increase chances of successful recovery, it’s very helpful for the family members, friends and close associates to become familiar with the disease of addiction and their possible role in furthering the disease within the addicted person. Attendance at these meetings* is also encouraged. Family members and other support persons are always welcome to join you for your appointment.

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