Activate your Licensed version Office 365 account
browse to: Sign in using your username and password: *this will be sent to you in an email, the username looks like an email with your last name then cohort number* Click on the install office button on top right side of the web-page You will see the download at the bottom left corner of the web-page. Double click on it and it will install If you do not see the link, go to your downloads folder and double click on the install office link. Check your programs to be sure office 365 programs (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access) are all installed. **The “” will only be the username for your office 365 account (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc..) this will not be an actual email you can send and receive mail from. ** Office 365 issues Open word and in the top left corner of the screen, there should be a person icon or your initials in a circle – Click on it and see who is logged in. If it your personal The first time you log into one of the office apps with your student username and password, it will give you an error message, please skip past this, this is normal and will not be an actual error. The username may look like an email address, but it will only give you access to your Sumner Office 365 account. **Please do not install the office program that is prompted during the computer’s set up. It will be free for a month, and then they will ask you to pay $100 for a subscription, and it can cause issues setting up the Installation of the Sumner licensed version. Only download office after logging on with this account info** Microsoft account, choose log out and then login with username and password. Note username will end with
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