King's Business - 1917-01



convention in Pasadena. He did it with much credit to himself and to the expressed great satisfaction of the convention man­ agement. At the Convention of the Southern Cali­ fornia and Los Angeles County Sunday School Associations held in Pasadena recently, Rev. J. H. Hunter, setretary of the Faculty, took charge of the class on Adult Bible Class Work, and at ànother session delivered a lecture on archaeology, entitled “The Bible and the Spade.” Mr. Hunter has also recently supplied the pulpit of the Presbyterian Church at Orange,

Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, has taken Miss Maxwell’s place. Mrs. Besse D. McAnlis, one of the grad­ uates of the Bible Institute of Los Ange­ les, Class of June, 1916, has accepted the position *of corresponding secretary in New York for the Pocket Testament League, the organization which is doing so much to carry the Gospel to the men in the trenches. H. E. Grings, who left for Mendocino county a few weeks ago to take up Chris­ tian pioneer work there, writes that the field is needy but ready for the harvest. He plans doing house-to-house ' visitation


and delivered an address on “Prayer” in the Baptist*Church at Covina. The, Correspondence School of the Insti­ tute is growing encouragingly, and Miss Carolyn Maxwell, who has been assisting Secretary Hunter in the work since its inauguration, will now devote her time to it exclusively. This necessitates relieving her of the other work in the office, which she has done so admirably for the last two years. Miss Emma Wight, who was formerly Dr. Torrey’s secretary in the

and Sunday School work throughout the neglected rural districts of the county, Miss Clara Neilson has come back to be superintendent of the Cosmopolitan Mis­ sion Church in East Los Angeles. Miss Neilson was assisting with this work for some- time during her .course' at the Insti­ tute, and it is a mark of appreciation of her ability, on the part of the directors of the Work, that they have called her back to take charge of it.

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