King's Business - 1917-01




( 1 ) R ighteous Indignation, vs. 13-17. What did the Passover feast commemo­ rate? Ex. 12:12, 13. What was the law concerning attendance upon the feast? Deuff. 16:16. How did God'honor the Tabernacle when it was set apart for worship ? Ex. 40:34. How did He honor the temple when it was set apart? 1 Kings 8:11. How did He honor the church? Acts 3:1-4. { What was the law concerning the tem­ ple? Lev. 19:30. Are bazaars, festivals, entertainments, etc., a desecration of the Lord’s house? Is the body of the believer of more value than a building?-1 Cor. 6:19. Was the indignation of the Lord con­ sistent with His title “Lamb of God?” Mai. 3:1-3. Was His zeal a holy one? Psa. 69:9. What was the motto of our Lord’s life? Luke 2 :49. ( 2 ) R esurrection of th e B.ody, vs. 18-22. Whom does the Lord say look for signs? Matt. 12:39. Did the Lord reprove those who looked for signs? John 4:48. What sign did Jesus give to the Jews concerning His authority? John 8:28. What temple was destroyed and raised up in three days? Luke 23:33; Luke 18:33. By what power was He raised up ? Rom. 1:4; Jòhn 17:18. Are His claims attested by His miracles? John 6 :14. What authority is committed unto Him? John 5 :27. Were' the Jews convinced by the resur­ rection of Jesus? Acts 1:3; 4:2; Matt. 27:51-53.

( 3 ) Reading the H earts of Men, vs. 23-25. Did the miracles of Jesus move the Jews to acknowledge His claims. John 3 :2. Did some acknowledge Him to be that Prophet? John 6:14. Did some say that Christ, when He came, could do no greater miracles? John 7:31. Did some believe, but through fear fail to confess Him? John 12:22-43. Did some profess to believe and then become offended? Mark. 4:16, 17. What value is there in the profession of Christ ? Gal. 5 : 6 . What should our prayer be for all who profess Him? Eph. 3:16, 17. Does- Christ read the hearts of men? John 5 :42. Does He know who believe, and who do not believe? John 6:64. Did the disciples testify to His knowledge of all things? John 16:29-30. What does He say of His own knowledge of men? Rev. 2:23. PRACTICAL POINTS (1) Christ commenced His ministry by cleaning the meeting house, (2) There was real zest in the zeal of our Lord. (3) The money changers have made much troublé for the church. (4) Christ was a busy business man. His first recorded words, “Wist ye not?” and among the last, “It is finished:” (5) The bodies of believers are made sacred by the presence of the Spirit. ( 6 ) The miracles of Jesus made manifest His Deity. (7) Those who see Him need no sign.

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