King's Business - 1917-01



sometimes they want a Christian burial, so a Christian woman, who almost alone has the courage of her conviction, has, in the last year, conducted fourteen funerals. Two of these, of which she told me, are of special interest. One very cold day a man drove into the village with a large family of children and grandchildren. In one of the wagons was a rough pine box containing the earthly remains of her who had been- mother not only to her own children, but to several of her motherless grandchildren. The father stated that his wife’s dying request was that she might have a Christian burial. So the woman before mentioned was asked to conduct the services, which she did in the presence of the hastily assembled friends. When she had finished, the husband arose and, with his voice choked and his great frame shaken with sobs, said: “Friends, I want you all to know she wasn’t afraid to die,, because she was a Christian and lived it. For fifteen years we have lived in this country, forty miles

they have already formed, and their sup­ posed seeking wisdom of God is only try­ ing to have God tell them the things that they desire to be told. The Apostles and the elders and the whole church bestowed very lofty praise on Paul and Barnabas: they said that they had “hazarded their lives for the name of our Lord _Jesus Christ.” This praise was well deserved (2 Cor. 11:23-27). Of how many disciples today could it be justly, said that they had “hazarded their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” But any one who desires to be a true disciple for Jesus Christ must be willing to do even this (Luke 14:26). ' , ------- 0 ------- B ru ce K inney in Wyom ing. T AM writing from a town in Wyoming which, while not large, supplies a large district and boasts of two banks, two news­ papers and seven saloons. There were no religious services within thirty miles until we began them here a short time ago. But people die here as well as elsewhere, and

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