King's Business - 1917-01



Side-Light Helps in the Study of John (Continued) By R. A. Torrey, D. D< A consecutive, sys­ tem atic course^ of studies in our Lord’s life and teachings, divided into 140 lessons, each com­ plete in itself, and adapted either for individual or class use. This is largely based upon the Gospel of John, arid will be of great service in the preparation of Sunday School lessons for the first half of 1917. The method is workable, and is calculated to develop the student’s own gifts, and th at in direct work upon the Bible text itself. It brings together the teachings of Christ on a given subject. Constant use is made of parallel passages and pertinent refer­ ence to other parts of the Bible. Nearly 350 pages. ____ ....i....... ............................. .....,.... P rice , $1.50 T he Gospel and Acts By William Evans, Ph. D., D. D. This is ju st from the press. It is the first volume of the New Testam ent series^ of a set of studies which will take the reader through the Bible book by book. Dr. Evans’ Bible studies are not only reliable and scholarly, but are a spiritual feast. His travels" in Palestine and Egypt have equipped him with a fund of first-hand informa­ tion which enables him to make the Gospel stories stand out with striking distinctness. The la^ge and enthusiastic audiences who are now listening to his lectures founded upon THE GOSPEL AND ACTS will be glad indeed to know th at these lectures may be obtained in permanent form. ......................................... .......... P rice , $1.25, p o stp aid John’s Gospel By Robert E. Speer. Suggestions for the study of the Gospel by individuals and in groups. It combines tw o ,th in g s, a study of the Gospel as a drama of unfolding faith and ,unbelief and a personal meditation on its spiritual lessons for life. After two or three introductory questions and an outline of the argum ent of the Gospel, the text is taken up section by section. The text of the American Standard Revised version is given. __ -__—_______ -__r ..........................Pricey 50c Lessons in th e Gospel of John By Charlotte H. Adams. These studies will stim ulate individual thought and study, and are personal in their application of truth. They are arranged in 154 lessons,- and afe so out­ lined th at they can not fail to be of service in the study of the Sunday School lessons. P re­ pared especially for the use of Young Women’s Christian Associations. Bound in paper. .............................................. ............__P ric e , 40c Studies in th e Life and Teachings of O u r Lord.

The Gospel of John By A. C. Gaebelein. A cmnplete analysis of John with annotations. This is a part of Gaebe- lein’s Bible Study Course found in the Anno­ tated Bible-^-a course which is being widely read and used in classes. Dr. Gaebelein’s^ w ritings are noted especially for their unwavering faith­ fulness to the gospel and their exaltation of the Person of Christ. He is also a m aster work­ man in dispensational teaching. .................. ......... ..i......... ..... ................... ..................P a p e r, 20c T he Living Word in th e Gospel of John By Mrs. M. Baxter. These comments follow the Gospel through verse by verse, and will be of especial value in the^ study of the Sunday School lessons. The topics taken up ares as follows: The Word Made Flesh; The F irst Disciples; The F irst Miracle; Jesus and Nico- demus; Jesus at the Well; Sowing and Reaping; The Nobleman’s Son, etc., etc., to the end of the book of John. „^... 4 !^ .;.....* ............... .................... ........ ............P rice, 40c The T rue V ine By Andrew Murray. Meditations for a month on John 15:1-16. The following are the subjects for meditation: The Vine, The Husbandman, The Branch, The Fruit, More Fruit, The Cleans­ ing, The Pruning Knife, Abide, Except . Ye Abide, I the Vine, Ye the Branches, and so on through the 16th verse until thirty-one medita­ tions are completed. .....................C... ..._______________ .....................J*rice, 50c Studies in th e Gospel by John By W. W. White. P art One contains a dia­ gram, twelve charts, and special suggestions to students. The author’s plan is to call atten ­ tion to the evidence produced by John in up- port of his statem ent th at J^sus is the Christ the Son of God. The evidences are classified under “Testimony” and “Belief.” There are topics for study, words for study, characters for study, etc. A little book which grows in favor in proportion to its use. ______ ..................................... ....... C loth, 50c; p ap e r, 25c Series of Lessons Arranged by Mary Moody Parker. A simple system of ’Bible study arranged to meet the need of neighborhood Bible study classes. It will also be found helpful for personal study, in young people’s m eetings, in regular church prayer m eetings, and in Sunday School work. ¿................ ........................P rice s, 15c ea ch ; p o stag e , 3c ........$10.00 p e r h u n d re d ; e x p ress n o t p rep aid in the Gospel of John for Bible Study Classes

THE BIOLA BOOK ROOM Bible Institute of Los Angeles

Los Angeles, California

536-558 South H ope Street

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