King's Business - 1968-06


RICHARD D e HAAN TEACHER R adio B ible C lass S PONGES have always intrigued me. There is just something about their appear­ ance, feel and absorptive qualities that is most fascinating. It was with a great deal of interest, therefore, that my family visited Tarpon Springs, Florida, where we could see how sponges are harvested. Donning their helmets, water-proof suits, and their weighted shoes, the divers descended into the murky depths to gather their crop. Sponges are actually animals, and must be cleaned be­ fore they are useful for household purposes. All the living matter must be removed so that the skeleton which remains with its open-celled structure can soak up and ab­ sorb other elements. Sponges remind me of children. They, too, quietly and silently soak up everything with which they come in contact. They are what they are not only because of the inheritance of certain characteristics and traits received from their parents, but also because of their environment. We must be very careful, there­

fore, of what is allowed to fill their little hearts and minds. How important it is to govern and control their surroundings. By the way, what are your children absorb­ ing in your home these days? What are they getting from that television set? What enters those young minds through those magazines on your reading table? In listening to your conversation, what kind of words and atti­ tudes are being impressed upon them? Are good examples being set by your love for the Lord and concern for others? Is there a warm, spiritual emphasis in your home? Are you doing what you can to fill their hearts with God's Word? In years to come those children will “give out” only that which has been absorbed during their formative, impressionable years. Make sure those little “sponges” in your home soak up only that which is pure, wholesome, and uplifting. THOT: Children seldom misquote you; they repeat word for word what you SHOULD NOT have said!


W E PAMPER CRIMINALS an d h am p e r police, w h e n t h e police a r e all t h a t s a v e u s fro m a n ­ a rc h y . We spend billions to pay people not to work—when we need the workers, and haven’t got the bil­ lions. Devoted men in uniform spend their lives, underpaid and in jeop­ ardy, fighting to keep our nation safe. Then, for political advan­ tage, we sweep aside their grav­ est advice. Companies which provide mil­ lions of the best-paying jobs in the world were built out of prof­ its made by ambitious men who plowed those profits back, to make more. Now Government and un­ ions call such men selfish, and tax and destroy the profiits vital to tomorrow’s jobs. We spend billions to get to the moon, for some ridiculous “pres­ tige,” instead of using those bil­ lions to reduce our debt and make us safe and solvent again. For voters at home we placate our enemies abroad and attack our friends (and hotv we need those friends 1). We concentrate more and more power in a central government (too often of little people) and so weaken the local governments — which are the very essence of de­ mocracy and freedom. We spend billions for foreign aid and let prosperous foreigners who owe us billions spend our money to deprive us of our dan­ gerously-needed gold. Common sense used to be the outstanding trait of Americans. In Heaven’s name, what has hap­ pened to it? — Warner and Swa- sey, Cleveland. UU

The obove is selected from Our Daily Bread, the devotional guide published monthly by Radio Bible Class.This booklet contains interesting meditations, Scripture portions, poems, and o thought for every day of the month— as written by Richard DeHaan, Henry Bosch, Herbert Vonder lugt, ond the late Dr. M. R. DeHaan. Your copy is waiting MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY! RAD IO BIBLE CLASS Dept. KB Grand Rapids, Michigan for you, free and postpaid.

The Radio Bible Class and Our Daily Bread Broadcasts, w ith Richard DeH a an , are heard worldw ide on over 1200 re­ leases each week. Free Radio Logs for the Radio Bible Class and Our Daily Bread programs are yours for the asking.

Please send free copy and information on how to receive the OUR DAILY BREAD booklet each month

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JUNE, 1968

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