King's Business - 1968-06

will remove those things which are causing the sorrows of this world today. Satan, of course, dur­ ing that age will be bound, and cast into the bottom­ less pit. All men will at least nominally profess to know the Lord Jesus and bow the knee to Him, so that sorrow and troubles and trials which beset us today will be utterly unknown when Jesus reigns upon the Throne in Jerusalem. Then will you no­ tice, in the second place, that this passage also teaches that life will be greatly prolonged during the millennial age. We read in this passage a very interesting account: “There shall be no more thence an in fan t of days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days: fo r the child shall die an hundred years old.” Isaiah 65:20 From this interesting passage we find that life will be so tremendously lengthened that a child will not mature until he is at least a hundred years old. All the processes of life will be slowed up, so that a child will remain a child for an entire century. As a result, since a child is not responsible until he has come to the years of accountability, and this age of accountability will not be reached in the millennium until after a century of life here upon the earth, there can be no infant death of any kind. No one will die during the millennium under one hundred years old, because the only cause of death will be open, deliberate, presumptuous rebellion against the King. The minimum span of life will be one hundred years, and only after the child has reached a hundred years, and the age of re­ sponsibility and accountability, will it be possible for it to die, and then, as we have stated, only in case of open rebellion against the King, the Lord Jesus. So that we read further: “The sinner being an hundred years old shall be accursed.” Isaiah 65:20 There will be no death, except violent death as a result of this open rebellion against the King of Kings. In the 22nd verse of this same chapter we read :. “As the days o f a tree are the days o f my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the ivork o f their hands.” Isaiah 65:22 Since a thousand years is with the Lord as one day, and one day is as a thousand years, we can understand these statements. You will recall that God said to Adam in the Garden, “The day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” Since a thou­ sand years is as one day with the Lord, God told Adam that he, because of sin could not live out the span of one thousand years upon the earth, which is equal to one of God’s days, and as a re­ sult Adam and all other antediluvians died before they ever reached the age of one thousand years. But at the coming of Christ and the setting up of thé Kingdom, the curse will be removed, and then men will live out the full day of God, one thousand blessed years. 22

SICKNESS WILL BE UNKNOWN Therefore the only cause of death in the millen­ nium will be violent death, as a result of the im­ mediate judgment of God upon open rebellion of sinners. We are further told in the Scriptures that sickness will be unknown during this blessed age of Christ’s reign upon the earth. In Isaiah 35 we read: “Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and t h e .ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing.” Isaiah 35:5-6 If you will notice carefully the context of this passage, especially the 34th chapter, you will no­ tice that the time referred to is the time of Christ’s return and the setting up of His Kingdom here upon the earth. All sickness, therefore, will be banished. In Isaiah 33:24 we read this: “And the inhabitant shall not say, I am sick: the people that dwell therein shall be forgiven their iniquity.” Isaiah 3 3 :24 I realize that it is exceedingly difficult for us to imagine in this age of sorrow and sickness and suffering and death on every hand, that there could be a period of one thousand years when there will be no hospitals, no clinics, no ambulances scream­ ing down our streets, for there will be no sickness and no disease. According to the Word of God, there will be only the occasional funeral service when someone who has openly rebelled against the King of Kings will suffer the immediate judgment of Almighty God. NO MORE POVERTY The next thing we are told in this wonderful passage concerning the millennium is that poverty and want shall be abolished forever and ever. In­ equality among people will be wiped out, and there will be that common blessing of Almighty God upon all. In Isaiah 65 we read once again: “And they shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fru it o f them. They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat.” Isaiah 65:21-22 Everyone will be self-employed, and shall en­ joy the full fruitage of his own labor. The prophet Micah in his prophecy, the 4th chapter, tells us: “Bu t they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree." Micah 4:4 Every single inhabitant of the world in that age will be independent, own his own property and his own home, and provide for his own family in abundance. There will be no want, there will be no hunger, there will be no thirsting, there will be no problem of distribution, there will be no THE KING'S BUSINESS

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