King's Business - 1968-06

are not to give offense . to the Jew, nor to the Gentile, nor to the church of God” (I Cor. 10:32).

father is dead? How can these chil­ dren understand the concept of God? One answer is to place men in the pre-school Sunday School depart­ ments, where they serve as kind and loving father figures. There are other good reasons why men are needed to work with young children. Men represent the “voice of authority.” Directors of Christian education report that there are fewer discipline problems when men work with young children. “Boys respond better when men are in the depart­ ment,” one D.C.E. said. “Some are used to getting away with mischief when just their mother is around. But a man is a figure of authority.” Does this mean that the men are stern and are feared by the children? Of course not. But their presence has a positive effect on behavior. Walter Danylak, a commercial pho­ tographer, works with a children’s church group of about 15 three-year- olds. “Children seem to enjoy Sun­ day School and Church-time more when a man is there,” Wally says. “The Daddy image is strong. Many children even call me ‘Daddy.’ ” When watching Wally direct hear­ ing and doing time, one readily sees that he enjoys working with little children. And they appreciate him. He doesn’t mind sitting on the floor with them, or trying to fold his over­ six-foot frame to fit on a tot-size chair. Children readily come to him for help, and to share ideas. Probably one of the most impor­ tant reasons for recruiting men to work with young children is the posi­ tive impression that their very pres­ ence imparts. Fortunate is the three- or five- or seven-year-old who sees men in his Sunday School depart­ ment, in children’s church, and in other activities. He does not get the impression that Sunday School and church are for women and children only. Men leaders are silent testi­ monies to the fact that Christianity is virile—that the Lord Jesus Christ attracts men, too. Male teachers in Nursery and other departments who understand children and are patient with them and really love them make a lasting impression on young children. Such boys and girls, instead of dropping out of Sunday School when they reach their teens, are apt to follow the example set by Christian men whom they have repeatedly observed serving the Lord. If you do not have men working in all of your Sunday School depart­ ments, why not pray about this and make it a goal for 1968? —From T each ing T ip s 2»

Gerald Gooden, La Mirada, California

FUNERALS The article, “How Christian Are Our Funerals?” by Pastor Robert Warren is truly outstanding. We are still in our 30’s, but have thought, should the Lord tarry, that we had no desire to have a lot of money spent on our “physical re­ mains” — for to be “absent from the body is to be present with the Lord!” Above all else, we feel the tru/th of this fact should be positively demonstrated at a time of a loved one’s departure. Therefore, we have clipped out this article and are filing it with our valu­ ables. Should one or both of us depart TO BE WITH HIM before His return we would like a private burial (with the least expense possible) and “a me­ morial service that would exalt the Lord Jesus Christ and emphasize His finished work upon the cross and His triumph over death.” What otherwise could have been spent on -an elaborate funeral will be given to missions, as a loving memorial of the departed, so that Christ’s light can shine forth more brightly around the world until His return. Thanks for having put into print some vague thoughts we had in the “back of our minds.” Portland, Oregon DAVID speaks to al youth HEY PREACH—YOU’RE COMING THROUGH!, David Wilkerson’s new book, echoes the awakening of people everywhere to the perils of drugs, pornography and illicit sex. Written for the “now” generation and their concerned elders, this is the most significant book to date from the author of The Cross and the Switchblade. $2.95

by Chester Larson Area Representative, Scripture Press

Q. We notice that many schools are using more men in Sunday School. What can we do to get more men in­ terested in our Sunday School? A. In one of our recent publications there was a fine article on SUNDAY SCHOOL DADDIES. Perhaps it will help your school. Here it is : Take a peek into the Beginner or Nursery department of a large Sun­ day School — or even a small one — and you may be surprised to find men teachers working with tiny tots. In recent years men have joined the traditionally all - women world of teaching young children. And for good reasons. Psychologists agree that all chil­ dren need healthy emotional experi­ ences with men. Many children do have happy relationships with fa­ thers or other males. But fathers are away from home most of a little child’s waking hours. Of necessity, mothers become the dominant ones in children’s lives. And this is reflected in their play. Watch a group of young children in a housekeeping center. A girl takes over as the mother; boys usually as­ sume the roles of children or babies —not a dominant father role. At this early age, when character is being formed, boys need to asso­ ciate with men whom they can imi­ tate and from whom they can learn their proper role in life. How can we teach young children that God is a loving heavenly Father, except to relate this truth to a human father? But what about the child who seldom sees his father, or the one who has an unhappy relationship with his dad? Or the child whose

YOUR BOOKSTORE Fleming H. Revell Company Westwood, N. J.

JUNE, 1968

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