King's Business - 1968-06

HOME OF ONESIPHORUS Completed fifty years of evangelical faith mission work in 1966.^ Rescues and trains orphans and refugee children in Hong Kong, Lebanon, Jordan. Full time missionary staff in each home. Ask for FREE copies of the Harvester —includes stories of outstanding Chinese and Arab Christians. Personal rep­ resentative available. George E. Hedberg, President Dept. 11, 3939 N. Hamlin, Chicago, III. 60618 THE INDEPENDENT BOARD FOR PRESBYTERIAN FOREIGN MISSIONS Having no connection with any denomination. Holding the Westminster Confession as a subordinate standard to the Word of God, which is our "only infallible rule of faith and practice." Biblical evangelism, teaching and medical ministries. Working in 14 countries. Write for Magazine BIBLICAL MISSIONS, 246 West Walnut Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. 19144. Atlanta, Georgia 30301 Combining evangelism and relief to Hebrew Christians and refugees in Europe, Israel, Asia, Africa, and South America, with a strong witness in America. 37 missionaries on all continents. Write for free copy of magazine, The Everlasting Nation. Jacob Gartenhaus, D.D., Pres., Robert G. Lee, D.D., Chairman Advisory Board. Since 1943, supporting leprosy work in four fields: Philippines, Africa, Bolivia and India. Treats leprosy patients, cares for chil­ dren of leprosy parents, rehabilitates former leprosy patients, preaches the Gospel and provides White Cross supplies. Write for FREE copies o f’ GLOBAL MISSIONS and News- Prayer Letter. P.O. Box 8164 Portland, Oregon 97207 Establishing the Church among the Indians of rural Mexico by evangelism, Bible corres­ pondence courses, laymen’s institutes, child evangelism, medical evangelism. Now work­ ing in six tribes. Needed — more mission­ aries; prayer partners to form prayer bands. Write for information and magazine 6018 Drexel Road, Philadelphia, Pa. 19131 MISSIONARY AVIATION FELLOWSHIP " A Servant of Missions" Providing highways in the sky and bush radio-telephone service for your missionaries in the rural and forward areas of the mis­ sion field. Write for: Informative literature Challenging sound-color films Gift annuity information Box 2828, Fullerton, California 92633 INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF JEWISH MISSIONS, INC. P.O. Box 1256 INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN LEPROSY MISSION MEXICAN INDIAN MISSION, INC. Dr. John T. Dale, Director THE MISSIONARY DENTIST, INC. Box 7002, Seattle, Washington 98133 A uniaue worldwide- evangelistic ministry It meets the physical and spiritual needs of the nationals, and missionaries too, by providing modern dental care and a sound Bible teaching ministry from the heart of the jungles to populated cities through Dental Evangelism Team programs. Films and literature available. The Missionary Literature Foundation pro­ vides evangelical missionaries with devo­ tional literature forgfftheir personal and family use. It also provides contacts useful in meeting the emergency needs of mission­ aries returned from the fields. MISSIONARY LITERATURE FOUNDATION Box 374 Burbank, Calif. 91503 NEW YORK BIBLE SOCIETY New York, N.Y. 10017 A UNIQUE MISSIONARY MINISTRY Rev. Youngve R. Kindberg, General Secretary An evangelical missionary organization, dis­ tributing the Scriptures in over 70 languages about the harbor and within the City of New York. Divisions : Marine, Immigration, For­ eign, Jewish, Negro, Hotels, Hospitals, Blind, Scripture texts in subways. 5 East 48th Street PRACTICAL ASSISTANCE TO EVANGELICAL MISSIONARIES

weeds close to the house. They tried burning the weeds and this drew the neighbors to the fence. An old man ordered his sons to bring hoes and in less than an hour the weeds were cut by com­ munity effort and their hostile neighbors had turned mysterious­ ly pleasant. There was no throw­ ing of refuse! The natives invited the Maces to a religious feast where A1 learned a lesson about the native mind or pride. The people were pleased because the missionaries had to look to them for help. The Maces’ first two terms in Malaysia were spent in literature distribution, s t r e e t m e e tin g s , sharing in evangelistic campaigns in rural villages and visitation and pastoral work among the be­ lievers. Al’s concern in introducing people to Christ bears fruit as shown in the street scene. Victor Wong, an outstanding convert of Al’s, is the one giving a tract to a neighbor lady and explaining its message, with A1 standing nearby. Victor Wong was a teacher in a Chinese elementary school and, after visiting the Maces on invi­ tation from Al, he was converted and started immediately to wit­ ness to family, neighbors and friends. Later, he felt he was called into the ministry and en­ rolled at Singapore Bible College to prepare for service for God. To Al, being a Christian meant to obey God’s call, (inner sum­ mons) into Christian service. He referred to this as progressive commitment and described def­ inite times when he took these steps. By the time he was seven, Al had accepted Christ as his Sav­ iour, and knew he belonged to Him. He asked to be baptized and Rev. Ernest Nichols baptized him on Easter Sunday of 1939 iii the First Baptist Church of Escon­ dido, California. When he was nine, during an evening fagot service at a Bible Camp, Al told the Lord, “I’ll do whatever You want me to do.”

THE CHILDREN'S BIBLE MISSION, INC. P.O. Box 44, Lakeland, Florida 33802 CBM Workers in 9 states reach thousands of boys, girls and youth in schools, Bible Clubs and summer camps. Abundant oppor­ tunities for qualified workers. Write for informative literature, and inquire about our challenging sound-color film. "W in A Child and You Win A Life" C H R I S T ' S M I S S I O N , I N C . R ev . S tuart G arver , Director & Editor 275 State St. Hackensack, NJ. 07602 Publishing for 85 years the Christian Herit­ age magazine to awaken Christians to their responsibilities to Roman Catholics and keeping them.abreast of developments by the hierarchy. Rehabilitating former priests — providing information and help to Roman Catholics and pastors. Write for free copy of magazine. NON-PROFIT. Sending missionaries throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, British Honduras, Honduras, Panama, Puerto Rico, and Guam. Special opportunities for short term mis­ sionaries in campus and inner city work. For literature and information write to: Dr. Rufus Jones, Box 828, Wheaton, III. 60187 THE CONVERSION CENTER A soul-winning mission to Roman Catholic priests, nuns and people. 500 million Roman Catholics lost without love, trapped by traditions, paralyzed by popery, deceived by the Devil. 47,000 priests, 138,000 nuns dedicated to "MAKE AMER­ ICA CATHOLIC.” Will vou help keep America free to evangelize the world? Pray, f ive, write for soul-winning material. 8 W. Eagle Rd., Havertown, Pennsylvania EVANGELICAL M ISSIONARY ACTION Worldwide witnessing with tracts and music. Reaching students at home and abroad. Please pray and help today. For Free sample tracts, write: REV. WILLIAM SWAAN RUSKIN, British Columbia, Canada EVANGELICAL MISSION TO URUGUAY, INC. Rev. Frederick V. Dabold, D.D., Director To bring God’s Word to a little known and neglected people. To p l a n t indigenous churches on Pauline principles and train National workers. A complete program of diversified evangelism:- radio, colportage, children, prison work, open air, etc. Write for free literature P.O. Box 1353-K Fort Pierce, Florida 33451 Serving fields of great need in Bolivia, Bra­ zil, Colombia, and Patagonia. A faith work for 55 years. Send for free magazine and information. 78 W. Hudson Ave. 132 High Park Ave. Englewood, N.J. 07631. Toronto 9, Ont., Can. Member I.F.M.A. THE FRIENDS OF ISRAEL Missionary and Relief Society, Inc. More than 25 missionaries—in India, Israel, Europe, and across America—are giving the Gospel and material relief to Jews. Read thrilling reports of this work in our maga­ zine, ISRAEL MY GLORY. Write for your free copy 1218-K Chestnut St. Philadelphia, Pa. 19107 GOSPEL M ISSIONARY UNION Founded in 1892 325 missionaries working in Morocco, Mali Republic, Europe, Colombia, Ecuador, Pana­ ma, British Honduras, Bahamas, Mexico, Alaska and Canada. Send for sample copy of The Gospel Message and other literature to: Smithville, Missouri 64089 CONSERVATIVE BAPTIST HOME M ISSIONS SOCIETY EVANGELICAL UNION OF SOUTH AM ER ICA

JUNE, 1968


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