King's Business - 1968-06

another civilwar? * a message from the editor"

“Easily the Best..." — Dr. Wilbur M . Smith

I ssues arise from time to time which cannot be classified purely as religious, political, or sociological. Instead, they incorporate all of these general facets of American life. It is then that these issues must be discussed by leaders in each of these areas of society. One such issue that is at the very forefront of the thinking of the Americans today is the racial problem. At the moment it might be classified as primarily an economic or sociological situation, but it has assumed such frightening proportions that it easily could affect the entire religious life of our country, in a rather disas­ trous manner. It may be assumed that the vast majority of the Negroes living in the United States are peace-loving and anxious to solve prob­ lems in a peaceful manner, but there is a growing element which is assuming an increasingly belligerent attitude and manifesting itself in widespread rioting, looting, burning, and terrorizing throughout the entire United States but particularly in the North­ ern States. The Southern States where the race problem is sup­ posed to be most acute has never known anything like the rioting which has occurred in past months in such widely scattered areas as Los Angeles, Newark, Phoenix, Detroit, Chicago, Cambridge, to name but a few of the more than eighty other riot-torn cities throughout the country. The question, "Is rioting which is spreading from city to city a prelude to civil war between the races in America?” was dis­ cussed in the May 22 issue of U.S. News and World Report. A well-known Negro leader who is utterly opposed to the violence that seems to be running rampant throughout the country at the moment, says this in reply, "I regard it [civil war] as very real, but it would not happen all at once. There has to be so much organization . . . so if it is comforting to you it is going to be quite a while off yet, though not so far off as to be outside o f our life span.” The possibility of such a thing is horrible to contemplate, but it is real! Nearly one thousand "black power” leaders meeting in Newark, New Jersey, immediately following the riots there, adopted some dozens of resolutions. Among them as quoted in the August 7, 1967 issue of U.S. News and World Report , are the following: "Massive efforts to disrupt the economy o f the nation unless Negroes are given a guaranteed annual income” ; "A boy­ cott of every black church and all religious institutions that do ~ ' not join the black revolution” ; "Mass opposition to the military draft” ; “Negro refusal to accept programs for birth control on the ground that such programs are aimed at exterminating the

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