King's Business - 1968-06

Jr. Mr. Cousar, a Certified Public Accountant, comes to Gospel Light with extensive business experience as well as long service in the minis­ try. Dr. Sherwood E. Wirt, editor of DECI­ SION magazine, will be dean of the Sixth Annual School of Christian Writing which will be held June 17- 19, 1968, at the headquarters of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Associa­ tion, Minneapolis, Minn. Faculty for the three-day session will include au­ thors, such as John Hunter of Capern- wray Hall, England; Joseph T. Bayly, managing editor of the David C. Cook Publishing Company; Mrs. Mar­ garet J. Anderson, former president of the Minnesota Christian Writers’ Guild; James L. Johnson, executive sec­ retary of Evangelical L ite r a tu r e Overseas; and Mrs. Rema Van Wyke, radio and television script writer. The Rev. Harold Lindsell, Professor of Bible at Wheaton College, 111., has been named Editor of Christianity Today. He will assume the post Sep­ tember 1. Dr. Lindsell served for three years as Associate Editor of the magazine. The retiring Editor, Dr. Carl F. H. Henry, has headed the biweekly journal since it was founded in 1956. The Board of Directors has asked Henry to continue as Editor- at-large. Dr. Earle Cairns, history and political science department chairm an at Wheaton College, has been named official biographer of Dr. V. Raymond Edman, former president and chan­ cellor. President Hudson T. Armerdlng, in announcing the appointment, in­ dicated that Dr. Cairns would be given a reduced teaching load to speed work on the biography. A finished, thoroughly-researched manuscript is expected within three years. Norval Hadley, has been appointed director of the World Vision Relief Organization, announced Executive Vice-President Dr. Ted W. Engstrom. Hadley, 39, has been with World Vi­ sion International since 1956. For the past six years he has served as assis­ tant to the president, Dr. Bob Pierce. A recorded minister of the Friends Church, Hadley has held pastorates in Washington, Oregon and Califor­ nia. He is also a member of the well- known World Vision Quartet, which accompanied the ministry of Dr. Bob Pierce for many years on World Vi­ sion’s ABC radio broadcast. The Wheaton College Men’s Glee Club, will sing throughout Western Europe for six weeks during June and July on its third international tour. The group of 40 men will pre­ sent concerts in Portugal, Spain, Continued on pages THE KING'S BUSINESS

r CLCHHHCLCMHCLCHH N E W pape rbacks ! 1 n r 0 1 0 r n 1 n r n i nr*n I r>r-n I n r 0 1 BE F IL L E D NOW Roy Hession 43 pages 69^ Author of bestseller “ Calvary Road” writes on vital subject: the Christian’s need to walk in the Spirit. P LENTY FOR EVERYONE Corrie ten Boom 125 pages $1.50 Author of “ A Prisoner and Yet” relates some very interesting ac­ counts of those whose lives have been changed by Christ. This worldwide traveler has brought tremendous spiritual blessing wherever sh e’s been. You’ll en­ joy this book. THE SEVEN GREAT " I AM’S " Dr. Archibald Campbell 136 pages $1.50 An easy-reading exposition of Je su s’ seven great claims, filled with colorful illustrations —many drawn from the author’s mission­ ary experiences in Korea. Stimu­ lating to the mind; invigorating to the soul. From your local bookstore or r n 1 0 r r> 1 nrn I r> r- n I n r 0 1 CHRISTIAN LITERATURE CRUSADE F O R T W A SH IN G T O N , P E N N A . 19034 0 r rt 1 0

Rev. Wayne Buchanan, Jr., executive secretary of the NSSA writes: “I extend a cordial invitation to you to

attend the 23rd An­ nual National Sun­ day School Conven­ tion. Circle Septem­ ber 25-28, 1968 on your calendar and plan to join with 10,000 other Sun­ day school enthusi­ asts. The place, Anaheim, Calif., at the 15-million-dol-

lar Anaheim Convention Center. The Anaheim Convention Committee is going to great extremes to make this a memorable occasion for all those who attend.” Wayne Buckanan

G IVE YOUR CAR TO M ISSIONARIES ON FURLOUGH When you donate your car, we send you a tax-deductible re­ ceipt for top retail value. Write: AIM, Inc., (Automobiles In Missions) Box 551, Glendale California 91201

Local Convention committee showing Rev. Wayne E. Buchanan of the National Sunday School Association in Whea­ ton, the Convention plans of the con­ vention center. Left to right are Rev. Don Brandenburg, chairman of the au­ ditorium committee; Rev. Ray Syrstad, chairman of the program committee; Rev. C. Chester Larson, chairman of the executive committee; and Rev. Wayne E. Buchanan, Jr., Executive Secretary of the NSSA of Wheaton, 111. Dr. Lois LeBar, chairman of the grad­ uate department of Christian Edu­ cation at Wheaton College, is the au­ thor of Focus on People, a new Christian Education guide. Published by Fleming H. Revell, the book sur­ veys the total educational work of the church, including steps in the educational process, training of lead­ ers, agencies, counseling, group dy­ namics, and the art of Christian leadership. Philip F. Cousar has been appointed controller of Gospel Light Publica­ tions, Glendale, Calif. The announce­ ment was made by the company’s Executive Vice President, Bill Greig,

Missionary family with A.I.M. car.


NAT IONAL SUNDAY SCHOOL ASSOC IAT ION Post Convention Tour to Hawaii Leaving from Los Angeles on SA TU RDA Y , SEPT. 28, 1968

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