King's Business - 1968-06

PEOPLE (cont. from page 6) France, Switzerland, Germany, Den­ mark, England, Scotland and Ire­ land. Clayton Halverson, associate pro­ fessor of music, directs the group. United Bible Societies report that at least one complete book of the Bible has now been published in 1,326 lan­ guages and dialects around the world. This is an increase of 46 over last year’s count. The report shows 242 languages in which the whole Bible has been published, 307 languages have a whole Testament, and ^77 languages with at least one complete book of the Scriptures. Joyce Landorf, Women’s Editor of THE KING’S BUSINESS Magazine,

tween Kimo and the lady’s husband. She is recovering but still can’t walk; she is taken out for air in a wheel­ barrow! The other day the husband jumped in and said that he wanted a ride, too! Oncaye (escapee from the downriver group four years ago) is busy teaching her own people, using the Gospel Recordings in Auca. Sev­ eral more groups of “downriver” Aucas who have not yet heard the voice from the skies inviting them to leave their ways of killing, darkness, fear, and death and come to learn of the living God, the True Way of Life. Please continue to pray until every Auca has had this opportunity. Rev. Ray C. Welskopf, formerly di­ rector of the Stewardship Depart­ ment of Biola, went into the presence school were instituted. He leaves his widow, a son Carl of Glendale, Calif., a daughter, Mr*. David Lange of West Chicago, Illinois, and five grandchil­ dren. Rev. Weiskopf ALIVE, INC. PAVILION at HemisFair ’68—A 5,000-square foot theater with air-conditioned waiting lines outside, is nearing completion on the site of the Texas World’s Fair San Antonio —by a non-profit, interested group of Texas businessmen. The Pavilion will present its films in both English and Spanish. “Sermons from Sci­ ence” have been shown to full houses at Seattle, New York, and Montreal. Rev. C. Chester Larson, western direc­ tor of Christian Education for Scrip­ ture Press, has announced the dates of the Lord on May 6 after a lingering illness. Mr. Weis- kopf was a faithful m e m b e r of the B i o l a staff, and through his dedi­ cated efforts many of the h e l p f u l e s t a t e planning programs for the

American Indian c h ild re n from many tribes that are “unloved” •— “unwanted” need your H E L P . Please give where it’s needed most. AMERICAN INDIAN MISSION SOCIETY Box 5215 Mission Hills, Colif. 91340

has a u th o re d a book recently pub­ lished by Zonder- van entitled, “Let’s Have a Banquet, or Is $1.36 Too Much?” Resulting from a broad back­ ground of experi­ ence, the book of­ fers help fu l sug­ gestions for church

F I LMS i n c . s p e c i a l

Joyce Landorf

1 s umm e r d i scount o n e I U r r ' ■ ■ Order 3 or more films for use during June, July, August and receive 1/3 off. Title Reg. Summer Rental Discount *TONY FONTANE STORY $38.50 $25.67 •RIDING THE PULPIT 38.50 25.67 •BELOVED ENEMY 38.50 25.67

workers who have the responsibility of planning banquets. The new pub­ lication is available in paperback form from most Christain bookstores. FIRST PEACEFUL CONTACT W ITH "D OW N R IV E R " AUCASI God has wonderfully answered your prayers for a peaceful contact with the “downriver” Aucas. For many months a plane-mounted loudspeaker has been used to “talk” to the savage groups. In January, electronic equip­ ment was perfected which enabled the conversation on the ground to be heard in the airplane, thus establish­ ing true two-way communication. This made possible the arranging of a meeting in “neutral” territory with a group of Christian Aucas from Tiwaeno. This meeting took place on February 15 when a missionary party of four — Kimo, Dyuwi, Oncaye, and Bolka met a larger group from downriver, mostly Oncaye’s own family. Imagine Oncaye’s joy to meet her own mother there . . . she had not been killed two years ago after all! Also in the party were two of On­ caye’s grown brothers . . . both with grisly records of spearings, and sev­ eral younger brothers and sisters. One Auca woman had been bitten by a poisonous snake and the Ti­ waeno party administered anti-ve­ nom which they were carrying, and saved her life. Twelve of the down­ river people went to Tiwaeno where they are now. The snake-bite victim was carried in a hammock slung be-


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of October 7 - No­ vember 11 for the Fall Le ade r s h i p Training Institute to be held at Biola College, La Mirada, California. The r e will be nine certi­ fied courses, wi t h one new course in music'added. The Spring In­

* Color 'Please book the following 3 film(s) and send immediate confirmation. Film Titles Preferred Date Alternate Date


stitute concluded with a record of 190 registered. Dr. James O. Henry, Chairman of the Division of Social Science at Biola, addressed the grad­ uates at the convocation service. C. Chester Larson

-STATE- -ZIP CODE- Contact Our Distributor Neorosl You or Mail Coupon to GOSPEL FILMS, INC. PLEASE SEND: Box 455 ____ Posters T1wxl4w 8c ea. Dept. KB6 ------ Inserts $1.50 Pe'lOO r ____ News Release N/C ■Muskegon, Mich. 49443 ____ Ad Mats 25c ea.


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