Sustainable futures

We welcome Mark Williams, Senior Operations Manager, the newest member of the CAT team. Mark talks about his hopes for the future with CAT, the importance of creating a sustainable approach to heritage and building better futures.

I have had an interest in school work experience with Teesside Archaeology in 19 (cough). Following a degree in Archaeological Sciences at the University of Bradford I worked for several years in the East Midlands with memorable projects at Newark Castle and several projects in the city of Lincoln, another major Roman and Medieval city! In 2009 I took a position as a archaeology from a young age. I remember my secondary

the only fieldwork archaeologist to teams of over 50 archaeologists working throughout the southeast of England. The downside of working for a large national company is often that it can feel very compartmentalised, and I wanted work within an environment where the commercial side was more integrated and outreach, education and the academic investigation more embedded in the day to day activities. I strongly believe that ultimately this type of approach provides

how archaeology and heritage can contribute to today’s key issues such as sustainability and climate change. I am currently most of the way through an MSc in Sustainable Development at the University of Sussex and have presented on the “Archaeology has vast potential to inform and educate.” subject to commercial, academic and heritage audiences. Archaeology has vast potential to inform and educate on these issues and there is a huge opportunity to work with clients to make positive impact, from development. To move beyond the traditional view of archaeology as being a discipline that just deals with the past.

Project Manager at Wessex Archaeology in their Salisbury office but just over a year later I moved to the newly formed London and

the best service for clients, and working with the Trust promises to give me that opportunity. More recently my interest has revolved around

Southeast office where I stayed for the next 13 years, most of that time as Regional Manager. In that time the office developed from me as

STAY CONNECTED You can download conversations with Mark on CAT’s podcasts now www.canterburytrust.co.uk/ podcast

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